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December 15, 2005 [posted]
March 16, 2007 [Editor's note added]


[Editor's note: On January 25, 2007, NLM discontinued support for the DOCLINE ISO ILL protocol. Further information available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/techbull/jf07/jf07_technote.html#12]


n November 1, 2005, the National Library of Medicine released DOCLINE 2.6, making it compliant with the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Protocol. The ISO ILL Protocol allows users to exchange messages (requests) between proprietary interlibrary loan systems. For more information about the ISO ILL Protocol, see ISO InterLibrary Loan Application Standards. DOCLINE 2.6 is compatible with Atlas-ILLiad, Fretwell-Downing's VDX (Virtual Document eXchange), RLG's ILL Manager, and Relais International.

DOCLINE libraries that are using one of the tested ILL management systems mentioned above are eligible to begin using the ISO ILL Protocol to communicate between their ILL system and the DOCLINE system. These libraries will be able to send, receive, and fill DOCLINE requests without logging into DOCLINE. DOCLINE requests will no longer need to be manually receipted, exported, or imported into the library's local ILL management software. The library will only log into DOCLINE to get more information on the status of requests, update serial holdings, update their institution's record, and to retrieve statistical reports (see Figure 1).

When using an ISO ILL Protocol-compliant system, DOCLINE libraries can include DOCLINE as just one stop in their string of lenders. A lender string can include systems (such as DOCLINE) and individual libraries that use the ISO ILL Protocol.

Borrowing as an ISO DOCLINE Library

The Borrowing function is performed in the library's ILL management system. Requests are sent directly from the ILL system to the DOCLINE server and then processed and routed. The Borrow, Receipts, and Lend menu options in DOCLINE are not available to an ISO ILL Library because these functions are performed in their local ILL management system (see Figure 2).

Order Status

A modified version of Status is available for viewing request status in DOCLINE for ISO libraries. Only the final DOCLINE action is sent back to the ISO ILL management system so libraries can login to DOCLINE to view the status of pending requests. Borrowers can also view the History of a request, including routing and lender actions (see Figure 3). The cancel request function is performed in the ISO ILL management system

Routing Instructions

Borrow requests sent to DOCLINE from an ISO ILL management system are automatically routed based on the library's Routing Table and default Borrowing Preferences values from their DOCLINE institution record. Borrowing Preferences include delivery method, routing instructions (Refer to resource libraries, Route to NLM, Refer on after NLM), Routing Table cells, and M/A/N Map cells. Changes to these values must be made in DOCLINE (see Figure 4).

Lending as an ISO DOCLINE Library

The Lend function is performed in the library's ISO ILL management software. All requests routed to an ISO ILL library in DOCLINE are automatically receipted and sent to the ILL system. Messaging between DOCLINE and the ISO ILL management system is used to process Cancels, and other rejection reasons.

Receiving Patron Requests as an ISO DOCLINE Library

A DOCLINE library choosing to use the ISO ILL Protocol with DOCLINE can no longer provide Loansome Doc service. The ISO ILL Protocol standard currently supports interlibrary loan messaging between libraries only. The Protocol does not support sending patron-initiated requests from patrons to providing libraries. Therefore, DOCLINE cannot package and send Loansome Doc requests to a DOCLINE ISO ILL Library. Libraries that are Loansome Doc providers and would like to use the Protocol with DOCLINE must register a Document Delivery Service with PubMed and convert all Loansome Doc patrons to the Document Delivery Service before they can register to use the ISO ILL Protocol. For more information, see Pointing to a Local Document Delivery System and OpenURL-based Server in PubMed®. NLM Tech Bull. 2004 Sep-Oct;(340):e3.

Note: At this time, none of the ILL management system vendors approved to use the Procotol with DOCLINE provide a PubMed Document Delivery Service solution. Libraries should contact their vendor about the availability of this functionality. For more information, see the FAQ DOCLINE - ISO ILL Protocol and Loansome Doc.

Future Development Plans for DOCLINE ISO

Testing and implementation with other ISO ILL management system vendors will be considered during open windows in our development schedule. Interested vendors should contact the DOCLINE team by completing the Suggest a DOCLINE Enhancement form.

How to Start Using ISO ILL Protocol

Libraries must be DOCLINE participants to send requests to DOCLINE via the ISO ILL Protocol. DOCLINE libraries interested in using the ISO ILL Protocol can find additional information and how to request conversion to ISO ILL by reading our FAQs.

By Cheryl L. Smith
Collection Access Section

Smith C. NLM® DOCLINE® Goes ISO. NLM Tech Bull. 2005 Nov-Dec;(347):e12.

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