NASA Langley Research Center - Multimedia Repository
Information for ID # EL-1996-00176
NASA Insignia

More Information for EL-1996-00176
Title:Doppler Global Velocimetry of F/A-18
Description:The laser light sheet visualization of the vortical flow was part of a Doppler Global Velocimetry (DGV) measurement system. The DGV system is capable of simultaneously measuring three-components of velocity within the measurement plane illuminated by the laser light sheet. The investigation of the flow above the F/A-18 model was the first use of the technique to measure the flow about an aircraft configuration.
Other ID:L91-14435
Formats: JPEG (544x486) (Size=20,190 Bytes)
JPEG (1216x1087) (Size=64,375 Bytes)
JPEG (2767x2474) (Size=270,861 Bytes)

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NASA Official: Bill von Ofenheim (
Date: 03/10/2003