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National Preparedness Guidelines

Date Published:   13 Sep 2007

Publisher:   Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Abstract:  As part of the effort to develop a national domestic all-hazards preparedness goal, the Department of Homeland Security released the Interim National Preparedness Goal in March 2005. Publication of the National Preparedness Guidelines (Guidelines) finalizes development of the national goal and its related preparedness tools. The Guidelines, including the supporting Target Capabilities List, simultaneously published online, supersedes the Interim National Preparedness Goal and defines what it means for the Nation to be prepared for all hazards. The Guidelines reinforce the fact that preparedness is a shared responsibility. They were developed through an extensive process that involved more than 1,500 Federal, State, and local officials and more than 120 national associations. They also integrate lessons learned following Hurricane Katrina and a 2006 review of States' and major cities' emergency operations and evacuation plans.

Related Documents:

 Target Capabilities List (TCL)
 Universal Task List: Version 2.1
 National Planning Scenarios (Final Draft Version 21.3)

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