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E-Resources   |   Partner Resources   |   Additional Resources   |  Employment Opportunities

Family Planning E-Resources

Visit the INFO Project Web Site
With funding from USAID, the INFO Project houses a large library of resources available to family planning, reproductive health, and population audiences. INFO's One Source database helps visitors search through thousands of documents, articles, photos, communications materials, online communities, and Q&As available to health care practitioners. Visit INFO

Partner Resources

  • The Balanced Counseling Strategy (BCS)
    The Population Council’s Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) Program offers the BCS – a practical, interactive, client-friendly counseling strategy that uses three key job aids (visual memory aids) for counseling clients about family planning. The process, tested and refined in several countries, involves a set of steps to determine the method that best suits the client according to her preferences and reproductive health intentions.
  • The Systematic Screening Manual
    This training manual from the Population Council’s Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) Program provides guidance for program managers, supervisors, and providers who wish to integrate systematic screening into their health services. Systematic screening is a simple strategy to increase the number of services received at a single client visit.
    • The Pop Reporter [Spanish Version]
      Each week, INFO Project research staff prepare an electronic magazine with links to news stories, reports, and related developments around the globe related to reproductive health and family planning.
    • Wall Chart: Do you know your family planning choices?
      [Available in English, French, and Spanish]
      The chart offers a brief overview of 11 contraceptive methods and was prepared through a unique collaboration between the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, technical experts from USAID, and other organizations around the world. Order instructions: After registering and logging into the INFO Project Web site, click on the ORDERS link again and then on the link called GLOBAL HANDBOOK. The wall chart is the first item listed (order code W-HAND).

  • IUD Toolkit [French Version, Spanish Version]
    The IUD Toolkit was compiled by members of the IUD Subcommittee of USAID's Maximizing Access and Quality Initiative.  Policy makers, program managers, providers, and others interested in adding or improving existing IUD services in their family planning programs can visit to access free and downloadable full-text resources on the IUD.  Many resources are available in French or Spanish.

  • Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP) Monthly E-Newsletter

  • Family Health International (FHI) Youth InfoNet
    Youth InfoNet is a one-stop electronic source for new publications and information on youth reproductive health and HIV prevention, presented as program resources and research articles.

  • Population Reference Bureau (PRB) WebUpdate
    Sign up to receive PRB Web site updates related to population, health, and the environment. Each update contains a headline, short description of the item, and link.

Additional Resources

Employment Opportunities

For more information on family planning, please contact USAID at


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Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:03:57 -0500