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Global Health Employment Opportunities

Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition

Technical Advisor, Level II: Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor

Location: Washington, D.C.
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: September 18, 2008

The Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Advisor will serve as a member of the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) team within the Infectious Diseases Division (ID) in the Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition (HIDN) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health (GH). The M&E Advisor will work with the USAID and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PMI teams to provide technical leadership and guidance on all data collection, analysis, trend monitoring, and reporting requirements for PMI.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level II: Malaria Technical Advisor and Communications Liaison

Location: Washington, D.C.
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: October 1, 2008

The Office of Health, Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition (HIDN) in USAID’s Bureau for Global Health (GH) seeks a Malaria Technical Advisor and Communications Liaison to serve as a key member of USAID’s President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) team. He/she will provide technical country support to PMI focus countries and serve as a liaison on the development of technical communication and written reports associated with PMI and malaria efforts.

The Malaria Technical Advisor and Communications Liaison will exercise independent judgment in planning and carrying out tasks; in serving U.S. Government priorities at critical technical and policy fora; in resolving problems and conflicts; and in taking steps necessary to meet deadlines. The Advisor must possess expertise in malaria treatment, prevention and control, and experience communicating this technical guidance and information to support and advise PMI efforts at USAID/Washington and its field Missions, PMI country teams, technical counterparts, ministries of health, and cooperating agencies, as well as the general public and Congress.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Office of HIV/AIDS

Technical Advisor, Level II: HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor

Location: Washington, D.C.
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: September 15, 2008

The HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor, a position located within the Technical Leadership and Research Division (TLR) in the Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health (GH), will assist USAID Missions and other operational units, host-country governments, and implementing partners in the design and implementation of programs to prevent sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS, with an emphasis on generalized epidemic settings. The Advisor will analyze data, reports, and other information about HIV/AIDS prevention, both domestically and internationally, and recommend appropriate USAID policies and programs.

The Prevention Advisor will also work as a team with the Senior OHA Prevention Advisor, the internal USAID/OHA prevention team, and the interagency Technical Working Group (TWG) which provides leadership on HIV prevention within the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level III: Senior Gender Advisor

Location: Washington, D.C.
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: August 25, 2008

The Senior Gender Advisor will serve as a member of the Technical Leadership and Research Division (TLR) within the Office of HIV/AIDS (OHA) in USAID's Bureau for Global Health (GH). S/he will be responsible for providing technical advice on the relationship between gender and HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment programs. The Senior Gender Advisor will be a key advisor to USAID at technical and programmatic forums and provide technical assistance to USAID Missions, regional field offices, regional bureaus, cooperating agencies, private volunteer organizations, host-country governments, and nongovernmental organizations. Programmatic guidance for this position will be provided by the TLR Chief.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Regional Bureaus and Missions

HIV/AIDS Senior Program Advisor

Location: Harare, Zimbabwe
Employer: IAP Worldwide Services, Inc.
Application Deadline: September 22, 2008

The Senior Program Advisor will work on USAID's HIV/AIDS Crisis Mitigation Team, who is responsible for design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all activities under the Investing in People program area.

His/her primary tasks include:

  • Advise team leader, and others as requested, in achieving U.S. Government (USG) policy and program goals, enhancing synergies among various Mission teams, and developing and managing human resources

  • Lead and manage team efforts, consistent with the overall guidance of the team leader, in the design and evaluation of program and project strategies, including establishing and maintaining a consultative processes with stakeholders

  • Serve as the team training and human resources advisor, facilitating team building and consensus building activities, as requested by Team Leader

  • As delegated, represent USAID and other USG senior offices in external forums and negotiations

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the IAP Worldwide Services, Inc. Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level II: Health Commodity and Logistics Advisor

Location: Kigali, Rwanda
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: October 10, 2008

The Health Commodity and Logistics Technical Advisor (Technical Advisor) will provide technical, management and coordination services to support the objective of USAID/Rwanda’s Health Team – increased use of community health services including HIV/AIDS. This health initiative supports reproductive health, child survival, HIV/AIDS, and malaria activities for USAID/Rwanda.

The Technical Advisor will be responsible for accurate planning, implementation, management, monitoring, results reporting, advocacy, and performance improvement of USAID commodity procurement and logistics activities. In addition, the Technical Advisor will also serve as the U.S. Government (USG) focal point for all HIV-related commodities procured with funds from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, malaria commodities procured with funds from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and all other family planning and maternal and child health commodities procured by the USG in Rwanda.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level II: Human Resource Capacity and Health System Strengthening Advisor

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: One-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: September 5, 2008

The Human Resource Capacity and Health System Strengthening Advisor will be supported by the USAID Capacity Development and Policy Cluster, which is part of the HIV/AIDS Team in the Health, Population, AIDS, and Nutrition (HAPN) Office in Ethiopia.

The Technical Advisor will be assigned to Ethiopia's Federal Ministry of Health (MOH) and accountable to the Planning and Programming Department. His/her overall aim will be to build human resources capacity within the Ministry, with a view to mobilizing, coordinating, and harmonizing support for health system strengthening, thereby expediting implementation of the Third Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP3) and accelerating Ethiopia's progress toward the millennium development goals for health. The Advisor will help the MOH develop a strategic approach to communication, especially with international partners on issues pertaining to building capacity for human resources for health.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

Technical Advisor, Level III: Senior HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Technical Advisor

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Employer: Global Health Fellows Program
Assignment: Two-Year Fellowship
Application Deadline: September 29, 2008

As a core member of the Office of Health and Social Transition (OHST) team, the Senior HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (TB) Technical Advisor will serve as an expert resource on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis technical and clinical issues and bring his/her specialized skills and experience to the successful implementation of the U.S. Government's (USG) HIV/AIDS and TB programs. S/he will perform a full-range of consultative/advisory, planning, management, financial management and reporting, and monitoring and evaluation functions. The Advisor will have broad-based responsibilities in the design, implementation, and evaluation of HIV/AIDS and TB activities within the health portfolio. S/he will play a key role in assisting in development and coordination of: 1) the overall President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program and budget; and 2) activities in TB control, particularly activities aimed at the prevention and control of multiple drug resistant (MDR) TB. The Advisor will collaborate closely with other OHST staff and liaise with USG, Government of Ukraine, and donor and implementing partner contacts.

For the full position description, eligibility requirements, and application procedures, visit the Global Health Fellows Program Web site.

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Fri, 05 Sep 2008 12:09:15 -0500