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SAE International

SAE Website Login

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Before you sign up - Many of our website visitors already exist in our database. You will have a User ID and Password if:

  • You have previously logged into the SAE website.
  • You are an SAE Member or Affiliate.
  • You have an account with PRI eAuditNet.
  • You are a Committee member.
  • You have purchased anything from SAE recently.
  • You have authored or co-authored an SAE technical paper.

If you believe that you should already exist on our records, please call SAE toll free at 800/832-6723 (US & Canada) or 724/776-4970 (outside US & Canada) for User ID and password verification.

If you are new to SAE, please continue with the login process.

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Suffix: Birth Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Type the first few characters of your business name in the box below, then click the "Find" button to search for that business in our database. It is recommended that a minimum of 2 to 6 characters be entered to minimize the search time.
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Select a User ID
Must be at least 5 characters in length and cannot exceed 15 characters; can include numbers and letters; can be in upper or lowercase; can include only these special characters: dash (-), underscore (_), or period (.) (no other special characters may be used).
    * User ID:
Select a Password
Must be at least 5 characters in length and cannot exceed 15 characters; can include numbers and letters; can be in upper or lowercase; can include only these special characters: dash (-), underscore (_), or period (.).
    * Password:    * Re-type Password:
Choose a Hint
Please select a hint question and enter an answer. Your answer will be stored as entered (it can be upper or lower case) and can be used to help you login if you ever forgot your password.
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Public Forums
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SAE is pleased to offer two types of e-mail newsletters. SAE Industry eNewsletters are monthly publications that provide customers with quick, relevant information about publications, products, meetings, professional development and membership opportunities available from SAE and are tailored to specific industries of interest. AEI Technology eNewsletters are bimonthly publications providing the latest engineering and technology news in four areas: electronics, testing & simulation, powertrain, and commercial vehicle. To begin receiving one or more e-mail newsletters, please indicate your selections below:
    AEI Electronics Technology eNewsletter
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    AEI Testing & Simulation Technology eNewsletter
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    Off-Highway Technology eNewsletter
    SAE Aerospace Product and Service News
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    SAE Technology eNewsletter
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