General Manual

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This page provides general information on how to use option selection controls in various sections of the FAA Operations & Performance Data System.

My Reports

My Reports displays a list of reports you saved after running your query. You may save a report after you have entered your search criteria and selected the Run button. Then you may name your report and save it for future use. Reports can be created in any of the data system views.

Selecting the information button will display a window listing Date, Grouping, Facilities, Display, and Format of the report.

Selecting the deletion button will delete the report.


In most of the data sub-systems, you may select airports to obtain information about their departure and arrival activity. The codes and airport names indicate the departure or arrival location for a single flight.

Enter code, name, or partial name of airport to search for a list of matches. The autocomplete feature will suggest possible names of airports in a drop down menu. When Quick Mode checkbox is selected, enter the airport code (or several codes separated by a space) to search for matching airports.

You may also select ASPM 77, OPSNET 45, or OEP 35 to insert a set of airports.

Individual results can be removed by selecting the deletion button. By selecting Remove All, all results will be deleted.

When available, the Advanced Search Option allows a more robust searching of the available airports. These are the available research criteria:

  • State: Airports located in a particular US state.
  • Region: Airports located in a particular FAA Region.
  • Type: Airports with a typical tower type.
  • Hub Size: Relates number of passengers handled by the airport in comparison with the total number of passengers.
    • Large: Airports enplaning 1 percent or more of total passengers.
    • Medium: Airports enplaning 0.25 to 0.999 percent of total passengers.
    • Small: Airports enplaning 0.05 to 0.249 percent of total passengers.
    • Non-Hub: Airports enplaning less than 0.05 percent of total passengers.
    • Non-US: Not located in the United States.
  • Foreign: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to airports located outside the United States.
  • US Tower: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to a tower located inside the United States.

Departure Airports

This feature is usually available in City Pair views.

Definition: Last reported departure location (e.g. location may be a fix or a landing facility)

Units: Alphanumeric

Range/Values: Mostly, 3 characters for airports and flights within the NAS; for international flights and non-CONUS flights (whether they depart or land within the NAS or not) 4-character identifiers (e.g., SFO, EGLL, CYYT, 2TN2, LA26)

Arrival Airports

This feature is usually available in City Pair views.

Definition: Last reported arrival destination (e.g. destination may be a fix or a landing facility)

Units: Alphanumeric

Range/Values: Mostly, 3 characters for airports and flights within the NAS; for international flights and non-CONUS flights (whether they depart or land within the NAS or not) 4-character identifiers (e.g., SFO, EGLL, CYYT, 2TN2, LA26)


In some of the data sub-systems, you may select specific aircraft for your report. The types of aircraft are provided by the Flight Plan.

Enter full or partial code or model of aircraft to search for a list of matches that includes aircraft variants. The autocomplete feature will suggest possible models of aircraft in a drop down menu. When Quick Mode checkbox is selected, enter full code or full model of the aircraft to search for matching aircraft.

Units: Alphanumeric

Range/Values: Combination of up to 4 alphabetic and numeric characters (e.g., B737, MD80, BE02).

Individual results can be removed by selecting the deletion button. By selecting Remove All, all results will be deleted.

When available, the Advanced Search Option allows a more robust searching of the available aircraft. These are the available research criteria:

  • Business Jet: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to aircraft used for business or corporate aviation.
  • Regional Jet: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to small passenger jets operated by regional or commuter airlines.
  • Type: Lists types of aircraft such as Piston, Turbine, Jet, and Helicopter.
  • Category: Lists aircraft categories such as Heavy, B757, Large Jet, and Large, Medium, and Small Commuter.
  • Seats Min: Indicates minimum number of passenger seats.
  • Seats Max: Indicates maximum number of passenger seats.
  • Long Range: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to aircraft capable of exceeding 3,000 nautical miles with a full payload at normal cruising conditions.
  • Wide Body: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to large transport aircraft.


In some of the data sub-systems, you may select specific airline carriers for your report.

Enter full or partial name or code of carrier to search for a list of matches. The autocomplete feature will suggest possible names of carriers in a drop down menu. When Quick Mode checkbox is selected, enter full name or full code of the carrier to search for matches.

Units: Alphanumeric

Range/Values: A string of three alphanumeric characters that is used to represent an air carrier, as listed in the Aviation System Performance Metrics system Lookup tables.

Individual results can be removed by selecting the deletion button. By selecting Remove All, all results will be deleted.

When available, the Advanced Search Option allows a more robust searching of the available carriers. These are the available research criteria:

  • ASPM Carrier: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to carriers monitored by the ASPM integrated database.
  • ASQP Carrier: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to carriers providing data to the ASQP.
  • ARINC Carrier: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to carriers operating ARINC ACARS remote transmitting/receiving stations.
  • Domestic: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to carriers in the United States.
  • Canadian: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to Canadian carriers.
  • Freight: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to freight carriers.
  • Major: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to US-based carriers that post more than $1 billion in revenue during a fiscal year (designation by the United States Department of Transportation).
  • Form 41: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to carriers required to complete Form 41 Financial and Traffic Reporting Requirements.
  • Network: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to network carriers.
  • Low Fare: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to low-fare carriers.
  • Low Cost: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to low-cost carriers.
  • Commuter: If Yes is selected, the research will be restricted to commuter carriers.


In most of the data sub-systems you may select specific time periods for query. The query date is based on the DZ, AZ, or flight plan activation date.

You may select data based on any of the following:

  • Days
  • Months
  • Years (calendar or federal fiscal year)
  • Range
  • Period (yesterday, current month by day, last month by day, calendar year by month, fiscal year by month, last 12 months)

Please verify that your selection is for a time period in which data are available. Information about the last available data is often provided under the search window.


In some of the data sub-systems you may select supplemental filters for your reports. They will allow you to narrow down the dataset that you want to work with. Available filters depend on the specific data system that you are working with.


This area is available in most of the data sub-systems. It allows you to select data fields that you want your report to be grouped by. The sequence in which fields are listed in the Selected Fields box, defines both grouping and ordering of your report.

Select the Plus button to choose the fields for the report. Selected fields will appear on the right. Selected fields can be removed by selecting the Minus button next to each selected field.


This area is available in some of the data sub-systems. It allows you to select data fields that you want your report to be ordered by. The sequence in which fields are listed in the Selected Fields box, defines ordering of your report.

Select the Plus button to choose the fields for the report. Selected fields will appear on the right. Selected fields can be removed by selecting the Minus button next to each selected field.


The Output section allows you to choose display and file format for your report. Formats available are HTML, MS Excel, and MS Word. Display options vary according to the data sub-systems.


Selecting the Run option will run query and create a report. You may save the search criteria you used to create the report by entering a name for the report and clicking the Save button.


For more information on these topics, please see the Glossary.

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