Dynamic Drive

Welcome to Dynamic Drive, the #1 place on the net to obtain free, original DHTML & Javascripts to enhance your web site! Last updated Sept 11th, 08': Revised Script(s)
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Script Categories

Last 8 updated scripts

Drop Down/ Overlapping Content 09/11/2008
Fixed bug whereby drop down content isn't revealed onClick of anchor in Safari/ Google Chrome.

All Levels Navigational Menu 09/10/2008
Added optional "sliding" animation when sub menus are revealed.

Step Carousel Viewer 08/16/2008
Adds 4 new much requested features, from option to stop Carousel from wrapping around after reaching the end, to last viewed panel persistence and automatically added left and right navigational images.

Ajax Pagination script 08/09/2008
Adds ability to limit the range of the visible pagination links shown for a book with many pages, persistence for the last viewed page.

Chrome CSS Drop Down Menu 07/23/2008
Updated script from v2.01 to v2.4. Two new features, one bug fix, and increased unobtrusiveness rounds out this update.

Featured Content Slider v2.4 07/11/2008
Fixes a bug plus adds ability to select a particular slide by passing a parameter to the URL itself.

Accordion Content script v1.5 06/20/2008
You can now specify that at least one header should be open at all times. Also updated Accordion Menu page with a new Apple Style Silver Menu.

Featured Content Slider v2.3 06/12/2008
Updated script from v2.0 to v2.3, which adds 2 new features plus changes the script behavior to now actually collapse the previous content before showing the new one, instead of just tucking the former underneath the later.

Revised Scripts section


Recent Scripts
Site News

IE8 beta2 and CSS/ JavaScript compatibility fix

Ribbon Rules Generator
Create alternating colored horizontal rules quickly with this new Web 2.0 tool.

DHTML Window widget
Your modern, Web 2.0 replacement for popup windows is here!
Add-on #1: Modal Windows

Terms of Usage update
Please review our updated usage terms regarding putting our scripts in an external .js file.

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