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McKnight Family Named October Family of the Month 

Find out about the McKnight family or nominate a family for the NMFA Family Award and a $500 prize.


Education and Employment 
Resource Center

NMFA has introduced a comprehensive education and employment resource center for spouses and children of United States military services. 

Spouse Education includes detailed information about starting your education; choosing and/or transferring schools; scholarships, grants, financial aid, in-state tuition; resources for the foreign-born spouse; mobile careers and much more.

Children's Education provides information about helping your child make a successful transition to a new school; Impact Aid funding for civilian schools; in-state tuition for service members and families; Department of Defense (DoD) Schools; education resources for children with special needs and more. 

Spouse Employment highlights topics such as preparing to enter the job market; the Federal hiring process; military spouse preference; federal internships as well as useful websites and terms.

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