U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


OSTI—Advancing Science Accelerating Discovery

Walter Warnick, Ph.D., Director
Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Department of Energy

OSTI-Advancing Science Accelerating Discovery. Link to larger image.

OSTI—Advancing Science
Accelerating Discovery
ETEC Meeting
December 7, 2007

(Slide 1)

ETEC–United by geography. Link to larger image.

Slide 2: ETEC–United by geography

United by a vision to "grow science and technology"

Slide 3: Oak Ridge SC Offices

Oak Ridge SC Offices.  Link to larger image.

OSTI manages a program within the Department of Energy Office of Science

  • ORO
  • OSTI
OSTI–Born as the DOE Central Files.  Link to larger image.

Slide 4: OSTI–Born as the DOE Central Files

…the progress of science and useful arts … depends on the reliable preservation of knowledge and information for generations to come.
“Preserving Our Digital Heritage”
Library of Congress

1 Science.gov Way.  Link to larger image.

Slide 5: 1 Science.gov Way

Stewardship of:

  • 1 million + hard-copy documents representing DOE’s 60-year legacy
  • 4 million + electronic DOE-produced R&D records dating to 1940s
  • 100s of millions of pages of electronic, global science information access

OSTI's Mission 1947–2007. Link to larger image.

Slide 6: OSTI's Mission 1947–2007

To advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the American people.

R&D flows through OSTI to public. Link to larger image.

Slide 7: R&D flows through OSTI to public

  • Technical reports (~150,000 full text)
  • E-prints (~1.1 million and growing!)
  • Science conference proceedings
  • Project summaries (DOE and Federal)
  • Citations to journal literature
  • Patent records (~20,000 from 1940s to current)
  • Accomplishments

Slide 8: OSTI's Mission: Who Benefits?

OSTI's Mission: Who Benefits?  Link to larger image.

The results of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of United States’ research and development activities flow through OSTI to the public for reuse and further discovery.

Science Progresses as Knowledge is Shared. Link to larger image.

Slide 9: Science Progresses as Knowledge is Shared

OSTI Corollary:
If the sharing of knowledge is accelerated, then discovery is accelerated

We can accelerate the sharing of knowledge ... . Link to larger image.

Slide 10: We can accelerate the sharing of knowledge ...

But first we must dispel the misperception that popular search engines are already doing the job

  • Google
  • Yahoo!
  • MSN
Much of Science is Non-Googleable. Link to larger image.

Slide 11: Much of Science is Non-Googleable

In fact, the vast majority of science information is in databases within the deep Web – or the non-Googleable Web – where popular search engines cannot go.

We in the information business need to recognize this gap between availability and need, and seize the opportunity to ...

Provide science information consumers with better tools.

Federated Search. Link to larger image.

Slide 12: Federated Search

Innovation in science demands innovation in sharing science knowledge.

OSTI has recognized this need; our emerging solution is “federated” search.

Federated Search: Emerging Technology Pioneered by OSTI. Link to larger image.

Slide 13: Federated Search: Emerging Technology Pioneered by OSTI

  • Surface Web
  • Deep Web databases

Federated search drills down to the deep Web where scientific databases reside.

Federated Search places no burden on database owners.

We need systems, such as federated search, that probe the deep Web.

Science.gov. Link to larger image.

Slide 14: Science.gov

Interface similar to Google

Under the hood, NOT like Google

  • USA.gov’s portal for science
  • Resources represent 97 percent of the federal R&D budget!

Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, Library of Congress, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, United States Government Printing Office, and the National Archives and Records Administration.

Link to larger image.

Slide 15:

WorldWideScience.org makes the best science information from 17 countries act as if they were an integrated tool, all searchable via a single query.

Enables access to prominent as well as smaller, less well-known sources of highly valuable science.

The U.S. contribution to WorldWideScience.org is Science.gov.

Link to larger image.

Slide 16:

International partnership kicks off global science gateway allowing users to search multiple sources via a single query.

In January 2007, Dr. Raymond Orbach, Under Secretary for Science, and Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive of the British Library signed a Statement of Intent to partner in the development of a searchable global science gateway.

The gateway to “hidden” science resources from every inhabited continent!

Google Founder Delivered Message to Scientists. Link to larger image.

Slide 17: Google Founder Delivered Message to Scientists

Virtually all economic growth (in the world) was due to technological progress. I think as a society we're not really paying attention to that.
Larry Page, to scientists at AAAS, February 2007

OSTI has been unlocking this wealth for 60 years.

"He called on scientists to make more of their research available digitally: "We have to unlock the wealth of scientific knowledge and get it to everyone."

OSTI's Mission: Who Benefits? Link to larger image.

Slide 18: OSTI's Mission: Who Benefits?

Who has benefited? The DOE community, the interagency community, the international community, the education and business communities, researchers everywhere – and the science-attentive public at large.

A Key Piece of Science Discovery. Link to larger image.

Slide 19: A Key Piece of Science Discovery

Information feeds discovery.

What if the

Slide 20: What if the "information connection" between scientists and discovery were mission?

OSTI disseminates DOE’s R&D information at the lowest cost of all federal science agencies – making it a “best buy.”

The NIH, a benchmark agency in research and the production of scientific literature, spends roughly 30 times more than DOE on getting its R&D message out.

2007 Milestones. Link to larger image.

Slide 21: 2007 Milestones

  • Sept. - DOepatents
  • April - DOE Science Accelerator
  • WorldWideScience.org
  • Science.gov 4.0

We’ve made non-Googleable information from every inhabited continent searchable, a feat Dr. Raymond Orbach called "magic".

These Gateways Search Non-Googleable Science. Link to larger image.

Slide 22: These Gateways Search Non-Googleable Science

    Agency level
    • Search key DOE databases
    Interagency level
    • Search 50 million pages of science from 13 federal science agencies
    International level
    • Search 200 million pages of science from databases of every inhabited continent

Federated Search Gateways

In short: OSTI Empowers Cyber-enabled Discovery & Innovation. Link to larger image.

Slide 23: In short: OSTI Empowers Cyber-enabled Discovery & Innovation

We accelerate retrieval of deep Web science info.

Which accelerates the advancement of discovery.

Advancing discovery touches every life on earth, and has produced improvement in the human condition, heretofore unimaginable.

Each of our organizations plays our own roles in the mission to advance science and technology.

But there is more to be done: Web is only a teenager. Link to larger image.

Slide 24: But there is more to be done: Web is only a teenager

To draw an analogy, let’s look at another transformational technology ...

Ford's beginnings Model A - 1903.

13 years later - 1916.

This was amazing progress for Henry Ford, but from our perspective ...

There were still decades upon decades of progress to come. Link to larger image.

Slide 25: There were still decades upon decades of progress to come

1928 Model A
1937 Coupe
1950 convertible
1960 Sun Star
1975 Luxury T-Bird
1994 New "global family mid-size"

Link to larger image.

Slide 26:

Today's Ford Taurus

Innovation must continue.

It is up to us here. Link to larger image.

Slide 27: It is up to us here

However we may seek advantage for our own individual organizations, we must work together for progress and the benefits to humanity. One day, our grandchildren, when they look back on us, should truly say that we not only continued the pace of progress, but we accelerated it and cast its benefits further than those who came before us.