Relay Elementary School, Baltimore, MD, USA

17 October 1997

GLOBE students from the Relay Elementary School presented a research report at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Baltimore, Maryland on February 13, 1996. The students described their GLOBE weather data and talked about meeting with a weather scientist from their community. The students also described how they have learned about the Jet Stream from encyclopedias, weather channels, and the Internet, and demonstrated how they turned their weather information into predictions.

According to GLOBE scientists Drs. Barry Rock and Jim Lawless, this may have been the first time that elementary school GLOBE students have made a research presentation at a national scientific meeting! Research scientists are beginning to recognize the tremendous potential of student-made measurements. "GLOBE is an outstanding example of the potential benefits of integrating science education into the classroom," said symposium organizer Dr. Rosanne Fortner.

Congratulations on this outstanding presentation to GLOBE teachers Ms. Cheek and Ms. Reed and to fifth grader Katherine Baldwin, fourth grader Angel Chang, and third graders Ian Robbins, Nima Sassani, Gianni Washington, and Kiel McLaughlin.

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