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User Notes for the NCCS Linux Networx Systems


1. Connecting to the Linux Networx front end from outside of the NCCS (putty, ssh).
2. Creating & Changing passwords
3. Choosing, creating, or modifying login and startup shells (.cshrc, .login).
4. Setting up authorization keys on NCCS systems
5. Transferring code and data files from the user's system (scp).
6. Compiling and running code (f90, cc, prun, resource limits, etc.).
7. Loading, unloading or swapping modules.
8. On using the Message Passing Programming Model (MPI)
9. The OpenMP Programming Model
10. Silverstorm InfiniBand
11. Submitting jobs to queues ( PBS, qsub, qstat, etc.).
12. Performance Analysis, debugging, options and specifications control, Intel debugger
13. Etnus's Totalview
14. Software libraries and applications
15. Visualization and graphics tools
16. Using the data storage system to store and retrieve files
17. Storage Quotas
18. Data Storage and the File Systems
19. Access to file systems on other NCCS systems.
20. NCCS User Services Contact Information
21. About this document.

1. Connecting to the Linux Networx front end from outside of the NCCS (putty, ssh).

System access is allowed only through the secure shell (ssh) command and only from an authorize workstation. You may get an error if your workstation IP address has not been entered into our hosts.allow file. In that case, please contact the NCCS User Services Group with your workstation IP address. If your workstation IP address has been entered into the "hosts.allow" file, then enter the following command:


At the "PASSCODE:" prompt, enter your 4-digit NCCS PIN + 6-digit Authentication Key Token tokencode, together as one number, with no spaces. At the "host:" prompt, enter <system> (all lowercase). Finally, enter your system password at the "password:" prompt.

Note that once you are inside the system environment, you may ssh to other NCCS systems and you can only use a passcode one time. If you make a mistake in entering, it's safer to wait for the number to change, otherwise you could lock up your passcode and then you would need to contact NCCS User Services to have it unlocked.

Note that only the LNXI front end is accessible for direct logins; all other compute nodes in the LNXI environment must be accessed through PBS.

Upon logging onto discover, DNS will actually distribute user logins in a round-robin fashion across the four (4) discover nodes with hostnames "discover0[1-4]".

1.1 Logging on from Microsoft Windows machines (putty/Cygwin)

If you are connecting the Linux Networx discover machines from Windows, you will need to use ssh client software such as putty or OpenSSH in Cygwin.

1.2 Problems

Contact User Services if you are experiencing problems accessing any NCCS systems using ssh.

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2. Creating & Changing passwords

The NCCS cluster discover runs SUSE linux, in an LDAP environment. Passwords may be changed with the passwd command.

Passwords on NCCS systems are set to expire every 90 days. This means users will be required to change their passwords at least once every 90 days (the period starts each time you change your password). Changing a password again within 21 days is prohibited. To check when you last changed your password on discover, issue the command:

       passwd -S

The sample computer output below shows that the password was last changed on 07/20/05:

       userid P5 072005 21 90

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3. Choosing, creating, or modifying login and startup shells (.cshrc, .login).

BASH is the default shell on discover. If you want to change to another shell, contact User Services or review and try chsh command. To work temporarily within another shell, execute the appropriate command. The shells available are ash, bash, csh, ksh, sh, tcsh, and zsh.

The startup files for C shell are .login and .cshrc, and the startup file for Posix shell is .profile. After editing your .cshrc file, you must issue the command "source .cshrc" for your changes to take effect. To manually source your .profile in bash or sh invoke ". .profile".

For advice on how to set environment limits, please see the subsection on Memory and limits. in the section on Compiling and running code.

3.1 Modifications for .cshrc and .login startup files on discover.

It may be necessary to put architecture specific options into your login files to set up the environment you desire. When using bash, sh, or ksh, you may include the following syntax in your .profile, .login, or .bashrc file to set up a different environment when logging into Linux Networx systems:

    SYSTYPE=`/bin/uname -m`
    if [ "$SYSTYPE" == "" ] ; then
       SYSTYPE=`/usr/bin/uname -m`
       if [ "$SYSTYPE" == "" ] ; then
          echo "Cannot determine system architecture"
    if [ "$SYSTYPE" != "ia64" -a "$SYSTYPE" != "IP35" -a 
                             "$SYSTYPE" != "x86_64" ] ; then
       echo "Invalid system architecture"
    if [ "$SYSTYPE" == "IP35" ] ; then
       echo "Put SGI IRIX specifics here"
    elif [ "$SYSTYPE" == "ia64" ] ; then
       echo "Put SGI Altix specifics here"
    elif [ "$SYSTYPE" == "x86_64" ] ; then
       echo "Put Linux Networx specifics here"

When using csh or tcsh, the following syntax may be included into your .cshrc file to set up a different environment when logging into the NCCS systems:

  switch ( `uname -m` )
  case x86_64:
     setenv SYSTYPE x86_64
     echo "Put LNXI specifics here"
  case ia64:
     setenv SYSTYPE ia64
     echo "Put SGI Altix specifics here"
  case IP35:
     setenv SYSTYPE IP35
     echo "Put SGI IRIX specifics here"
     setenv SYSTYPE unknown
     echo "Unable to determine SYSTYPE"

Similar things can be done based on hostname or O/S type. Adding the above to your login files will ensure that you set up the correct software modules or system specific environment variables at login.

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4. Setting up authorization keys on NCCS systems

Creating a new authorized_keys file on dirac- If it does not yet exist, create the .ssh directory under your home directory on dirac:

   mkdir .ssh 

Create your public identity file,, on one of the NCCS HEC systems:

   ssh-keygen -t dsa 

Copy the file into authorized_keys on the system for which you just generated it. If the file authorized_keys already exists on the system, append the contents of Copy the contents of the authorized_keys file into dirac:

scp -oport=2222 my_home_dir/.ssh/authorized_keys

Note that the above may overwrite the file on dirac. Once the authorized_keys file is in place on both dirac and the NCCS HPC system, you can start using passwordless scp and sftp.

4.1 Adding to an existing authorized_keys file

For each NCCS high-performance computing system for which you do not yet have an entry in your dirac authorized_keys file:

Log into that NCCS high-performance computing system and create your public identity file,

   ssh-keygen -t dsa 

The file will be in the .ssh directory under your home directory on the NCCS high-performance computing system. Copy your existing authorized_keys file on dirac into a temporary file, but leave the passphrase empty, a public and private key will be generated:

scp -oport=2222 dirac_auth

Concatenate the temporary holder and your file into a new file. To append:

   cat >> authorized_keys

Replace the authorized_keys file on dirac with the contents of the new file:

scp -oport=2222 dirac_auth

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5. Transferring code and data files from the user's system (scp).

You cannot transfer files, such as data sets or application files, directly to the LNXI front end; you must use the mass storage platform (dirac) to transfer files from outside into the NCCS environment.

Use the secure copy command (scp) to transfer your code or data from your workstation to dirac. For more information, issue the command man scp or see our ssh page for more information.

To scp the file "myfile" from your workstation's home directory to your dirac home directory, issue the following command:

   scp /home/myfile

Similar to an initial login, you will be asked to provide both your PASSCODE and your password. Note that this is your dirac password and not your LNXI discover password, which may be different.

Depending on whether or not your login directory is set up to be your home diretory on dirac, files may be transferred either to your home directory or your mass storage directory. Your home directory, mass storage directory, nobackup file systems, and others are available to dirac. Note that it is important to check your origin and destination directories carefully before transferring any files to avoid accidentally overwriting data.

If your workstation allows inbound scp connections, you may issue the scp command (secure copy) on the HPC system, to transfer your code from your workstation to the HPC system. Consult man scp for more information. For example, suppose you have the file file1 in the /tmp directory of your workstation and you would like a copy on dirac. Issue the following command on dirac:

   scp your_workstation_userid@your_workstation:/tmp/file1 ./file1

You will be prompted for your workstation password, and then the transfer will be made.

If your workstation does not allow inbound scp connections, the transfer will need to be initiated on your workstation. Using the example above, issue the following command to dirac (which is the file system) on your workstation:

  scp /tmp/file1
   Enter PASSCODE: 10-digit passcode
   Password: dirac-password
   path_name 100% |*****************************| size 00:00 

5.1 Interactive file transfer with sftp

If you have access to our mass storage system, then you can use sftp to transfer files to dirac for long-term storage. See discover documentation on data storage for more information.

  % sftp
  Connecting to ...
  Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
  Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) 
                                to the list of known hosts.
  Enter PASSCODE: 10-digit passcode
  Password: dirac-password
  sftp> get [file(s) or put file(s) or help]

5.2 Transferring files and code under Microsoft Windows

Most Windows-based ssh clients support some form of scp or sftp. Cygwin supports unix-like command line or X-windows programs.

5.3 Transferring files and code from Mass Storage($ARCHIVE) to /discover/nobackup using batch scripts

Please use "datamove" queue to run batch job to move data.

##========Script Starts Here==================
#PBS -S /bin/ksh
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1
#PBS -W group_list=computational_project
#PBS -q datamove

##From here you could use either scp, sftp etc
#scp $ARCHIVE/file /discover/nobackup/userid/.
##========Script Ends Here====================
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6. Compiling and running code (f90, cc, prun, etc.).

There are compilers from different vendors on the system. The one available to you for use is determined by the module you currently have loaded. See the section on modules above and the section "On using MPI".

The invocation of the compilers to compile a source code depends which vendor's compiler you have loaded.

For Intel, the compilers are invoked as ifort, icc and icpc for Fortran, C, and C++ respectively.

6.1 Paths to Libraries

Please see the section on modules. To display a list of environment variables and other information about individual modules, invoke the following.

   % module show <module-name>

6.2 Memory and limits.

At present, the best advice for users is to "force" their own limits depending on the nature of the jobs. For example, for a sequential or OpenMP job confined to one node, the user might be advised to set both memoryuse and vmemoryuse to 3145728, i.e. 3 GB in units of KB. For jobs with multiple processes per node, the user might be advised to set those same limits to approximately 3145728 / <number-of-processes>. This way, jobs will die quickly when they hit these limits as opposed to "sleeping" in the queue until the queue's time limit is reached.

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7. Loading, unloading or swapping modules.

Several versions of compilers from different vendors and other support applications are available for users on the Linux Networx systems. These applications are loaded into your environment through the use of modules. When you log into the Linux Networx system, no modules are loaded by default. To see which modules you currently have loaded, issue the following command:

   % module list

To see all available modules, issue this command:

   % module avail

The above will display a complete list of modules that are available to be loaded into your environment. You can load, unload, and even swap modules using the module command. To display a list of environment variables and other information about an individual module, invoke the following.

   % module show <module-name>

Other commonly-used module commands are:

   % module load module_name

to load a module called "module_name" from the list of available modules.

   % module unload module_name

to unload an already loaded module called "module_name".

   % module swap loaded_module new_module

to remove the module called "loaded_module" and replace it with the module called "new_module". This command is typically used to switch between two different versions of the same application or compiler. It may also be used to switch between compilers from different vendors.

An example of how to use the module command to prepare the environment for either running or developing MPI applications follows.

   % module load comp/intel-9.1.042 mpi/scali- lib/mkl-9.0.017

This command loads the Intel version 9.1.042 compiler suite, the Scali version MPI libraries, and Intel's Math Kernel Library, version 9.0.017. Note the major version numbers of the MKL and Intel compiler suite should match, here version 9. To remove all modules from the environment use:

   % module purge

It may be necessary to "unsetenv" or explicitly clear some environment variables, check with NCCS User Support if this seems to be a problem. For more information about the module command, see the man module page.

For more information about the module command, see the module man page.

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8. On using the Message Passing Programming Model (MPI)

To compile programs using MPI and link with the necessary MPI libraries, it is necessary to prepare the environment using the module command. This includes both the development and the run-time environments (see below). Additional compiler or mpirun flags may be required to obtain particular functionalities, such as RDMA for example. These flags may vary among the different compiler and MPI vendors.

Set up the environment before compiling.

$ module purge
$ module load comp/intel-9.1.042 mpi/sst- lib/mkl-9.0.017
$ # Silver Storm MPI Stack requires the following environment variables to
$ # point to the current compiler suite.
$ MPICH_CC=icc
$ MPICH_F77=ifort

To compile:

$ mpicc -c myprogram1.c
$ mpif77 -c myprogram2.f

To link:

$ mpicc -o mpyprogram1.x mypgrogram1.o
$ mpif77 -o mpyprogram2.x mypgrogram2.o

To run the program one must wrap the MPI executable in a shell script that loads the appropriate environment. An example script, "", follows.

#  A script to prepare the environment for an MPI executable.
# Prepare the environment
. /usr/share/modules/init/bash
module purge
module load comp/intel-9.1.042 mpi/sst- lib/mkl-9.0.017


# end of

This script, "", and the executable must be copied to a location accessible to the compute nodes on which it will run. Because most such runs will be executed as batch jobs, it makes sense to write another script which prepares the directories, copies the appropriate files, and then starts the run. An example of such a script, entitled "", follows.

#  Get things ready and then execute
# # If used as a PBS script, put PBS commands here.

# Prepare the environment
. /usr/share/modules/init/bash
module purge
module load comp/intel-9.1.042 mpi/sst- lib/mkl-9.0.017

# Prepare directories and stage files.

# Execute a 4 process (4 cores on the LNXI) run.
mpirun -np 4

# Collect data and clean up as necessary.

# end of

These two files, "" and "", should have execute permission set (chmod +x

8.1 Differences between vendors' MPI distributions

On the LNXI cluster, the vendor provided implementations of MPI provide mpicc, mpif77, and related scripts that should correctly handle include and link dependencies. It can happen on occasion that a compile or link search may hit on an incompatible default (or other) compiler, MPI, or library suite and signal an error. Purging and reloading the environment's modules, cleaning, and recompiling may help.

Even after using "module" to load the environment, the MPI libraries may still require certain environment variables to be set to the appropriate compilers and linkers. If these are not set properly, then a system default may be executed yielding unexpected results and possibly affecting performance. Examples are detailed here (users of csh-style shells should use "set" or "setenv" as appropriate) for the Intel compiler suite. For other compilers, "icc" and "ifort" would be replaced with the equivalents, e.g. for GCC, "gcc" and "g77" respectively, in the following.

# MPICH, SCALI, and SILVERSTORM development require
$ MPICH_CC=icc
$ MPICH_F77=ifort

# INTEL MPI development requires
$ MPICH_CC=icc

# SCALI MPI development requires
$ DEFAULT_F77=ifort
$ DEFAULT_F77=ifort

These can be set before or after loading modules. The module loads and these environment variables may be `sourced' from shell scripts as described above.

Initially NCCS will provide only one MPI environment and users wishing to tune their application against another variant should contact NCCS User Support.

8.2 Cray-style SHMEM parallelism

Several previous NCCS machines have supported so-called SHMEM parallelism, an efficient message-passing mechanism introduced by Cray. This non-standard mechanism is unfortunately not supported on Discover, and users are encouraged to port their applications to MPI. Please contact the NCCS if you desire assistance with such a conversion.

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9. The OpenMP Programming Model

OpenMP is an extension to standard Fortran, C, and C++ that supports shared memory parallel execution. Intel has recently introduced a new product "Cluster OpenMP" which enables OpenMP to be used across multiple nodes of the platform. Interested users can contact NCCS User Support for more information.

Users can fairly easily add directives to their source code to parallelize their applications and specify certain properties of their variables. To compile your application with OpenMP, issue the -openmp option to the Intel compiler. The Intel compiler supports the OpenMP 2 standard, and MPI and OpenMP can be used to create a hybrid mixed-mode parallel programming model. More information is available in the Intel Fortran compiler User's Guides.

9.1 Threads on LNXI discover vs. SGI Altix explore.

Although the number of threads is in principle arbitrary, in practice most users will find that 4 threads are optimal due to the constraint that there are only 4 independent processing elements within a single shared-memory node on Discover. This is quite different than the situation on the SGI Altix architecture where the number of processing elements is potentially quite large.

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10. Silverstorm InfiniBand

Training on how to program clusters based on the LNXI discover architecture may be available, contact NCCS User Support for information.

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11. Submitting jobs to queues ( PBS, qsub, qstat, etc.).

11.1 qsub

To access the compute hosts in the Linux Networx environment, you must submit jobs to the batch queues. For more information about the available batch queues on the Linux Networx system and the amount of resources that can be requested. For more information consult man pbs. In general, you will create a batch script and then issue that batch script to PBS using the following command:

   % qsub myscript

This assumes that all the necessary requirements are included in the batch script itself using comments. Note that you must provide your Computational Project (formerly Sponsor Code Account) while running a batch script. Use the getsponsor command to get your Computational Project information.

To see the status of your job, issue the following command:

   % qstat -a

Since all compute hosts in the Linux Networx environment must be accessed through the PBS batch system, the only way to run an interactive job on one of the compute engines is through the following command:

   % qsub -I

To specify the total number of CPUs and wallclock time, you may include those options at the command line. For example, suppose you wanted 16 CPUs for a total of 4 hours to run some interactive work. For PBS, use "select" and "ncpus". Summarizing (in script form):

   # Do this (or the like via qsub)...
   #PBS -l select=<NODES>:ncpus=<CPU-per-NODE>
   # And do this...
   mpirun -np <any-number-upto-NODES-times-CPUS-per-NODE> ...

In general, can range from 1 process to the product processes. For example, in an interactive batch session:

   % qsub -V -I -l select=4:ncpus=4,walltime=4:00:00

The above requests 4 nodes and 4 cpus per node. This will allow you to run your MPI application via mpirun with anywhere from 1 to 16 processes. For example:

   % mpirun -np 16 ...

This will launch 16 processes with 4 processes per node. Do not use the -npn option to mpirun. The -V option of qsub ensures your environment is exported to the PBS session.

In some cases, your job will not be started immediately but will start when sufficient resources become available.

11.2 Permissions in PBS & MPI (umask, chmod...)

PBS honors umask just fine, but if you create a file from within your mpirun job, umask is not honored. Do a chmod after your mpirun to assure that any files created during your mpirun have the permissions you desire.

11.3 PBS Sample Script

    #PBS -S /bin/csh
    ###-S sets job's shell path
    #PBS -N Test_PBS_Job
    ###-N sets job's name
    #PBS -l select=9:ncpus=4,walltime=00:10:00
    ###-l sets job's resource list
    #PBS -j oe
    ###-j joins the Standard error and standard output into one file.
    ###(separate files are generated by default)
    #PBS -W group_list=computational_project
    ###-W specifies the Computational Project under which the job will run.
    ###and from which the cpu hours will be deducted

    # By default, PBS executes your job from your home directory.
    # However, you can use either the environment variable
    # PBS_O_WORKDIR to change to the current working directory 
             or you can declare a new variable by using setenv.

    ##setenv my_work_dir /home0/myuserid/workdir
    ##cd $my_work_dir

    cp ./Test_PBS_Job /discover/nobackup/myuserid

    cd /discover/nobackup/myuserid

    # mpirun -np 34 
    # or mpirun -np 36 
    ## note mpirun -np < a number in 1..36 > 

    ls -la > PBS_output

    # copy output files back to  the PBS working directory

    cp PBS_output $PBS_O_WORKDIR
    ##or cp output $my_work_dir

    exit 0

11.4 Commands for listing of queues and details.

To list all the PBS queues on Discover.

% qstat -q 
   server: borgmg.prv.cube

Queue            Memory CPU Time Walltime Node   Run   Que   Lm  State
---------------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----- ----  -----
general           xxxgb    --    12:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
general_small     xx gb    --    12:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
debug              xxgb    --    01:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
pproc              xxgb    --    03:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
datamove           --      --    01:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
background        xxgb    --     04:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
visual            xxxgb    --    06:00:00  --     x     0   x    E R
                                               ----- -----

To get details of the particular queue.

% qstat  -Qf  < Name of the Queue , e.g general >

11.5 Monitoring currently running jobs (stderr/stdout).

/discover/pbs_spool is a 200 GB GPFS filesystem that is a globally visible spool dir. The local spool directory on all compute nodes is now a sym-link that point to this global spool dir. You should be able to monitor job err/output by going to this directory and finding the appropriate files by their jobids. As with the SGIs, users should not edit or remove any files in this directory or unpredictable things may happen. The intermediate output files have names such as <job-number>.<node-of-submission>.OU, for example:

userid@discover01:/discover/pbs_spool> ls
1008.borgmg.OU  1224.borgmg.OU  1249.borgmg.OU  
1390.borgmg.OU  1628.borgmg.OU
1036.borgmg.OU  1225.borgmg.OU  1256.borgmg.OU  
1396.borgmg.OU  1705.borgmg.OU

Please note: this filesystem is not set up for I/O performance or for handling large stderr/stdout files. It is expected that small amounts of text-only output will be written here (and moved back to submission directories at the conclusion of a job. If users have large text I/O requirements, they should be writing directly to a file on /nobackup/<userid>/* and not using stdout.

Any non-PBS files that show up in this directory are subject to deletion at any time and without warning. This filesystem is for PBS spool use only.

If PBS cannot place a stderr/stdout file where it thinks it should go, then it will place the file in /discover/pbs_spool/undelivered.

11.6 Useful links and references for PBS.

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12. Performance Analysis, debugging, options and specifications control, Intel debugger

Each compiler suite typically provides debugging and optimization tools. On the NCCS LNXI system, these include:

  • idb, an Intel debugger
  • gdb, GNU's open source debugger
  • totalview, from Etnus

Performance analysis and profiling tools include:

  • Intel VTune
  • Intel Trace Analyzer & Collector

12.1 Trace, open source, and data display debugger, gdb, pgdgb, codecov, totalview, trace analyzer, trace collector and equivalents

TRACE/Analyzer debugger that supports Fortran data types, syntax, and use. The following commands create (compile and link) the executable program and invoke the character-cell interface to the Ladebug debugger:

     % f90 -g ???? -o squares squares.f90
     % ???? squares
Description of how the command, Trace/Analyze works.

Totalview, a well known debugging tool, is also installed on system for graphical debugging of serial and parallel codes:

     % totalview a.out

Trace Analyzer (and Trace Collector) is another tool for analyzing MPI code performance.

     % f90 vt.f -lVT -lmpi
     % traceanalyzer

After issuing the above commands, you can then load the respective trace file from the "File" menu.

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13. Etnus's Totalview

To use Totalview in the interactive batch, try the following.

  1. Compile your code with the "-g" option to ensure source level debugging.
  2. Set up ssh keys for passwordless connection to the nodes.
  3. Set up the Totalview environment, for example:
       module load tool/tview-
  4. If you are running MPI across more than one node, set the environment variable TVDSVRLAUNCHCMD to ssh.
       export TVDSVRLAUNCHCMD=ssh
       setenv TVDSVRLAUNCHCMD ssh
  5. Submit the job with "xsub -I ...", so that the DISPLAY environment is passed into the PBS job environment.
  6. There are several ways to launch Totalview.
    • For MPI code using "mpi/scali-5.3", launch Totalview as follows.
         mpirun -tv -np <number-of-processes> <your-executable>
      The -tv tells Scali to run with Totalview.
    • For sequential code, run Totalview as follows.
         totalview <your-executable>
    • For OpenMP code, set the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to the desired number of threads, four or fewer for our 4-core nodes, and launch as follows.
         totalview <your-executable>

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14. Software libraries and applications

  • NetCDF (Network Common Data Format) - is a set of interfaces for array-oriented data access. Further information regarding netCDF can be found at:
  • PAPI - The PAPI (Performance Application Programming Interface) library from the Innovative Computing Laboratory at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will be available on the new NCCS linux cluster. PAPI is an effort to establish a uniform, standard programming interface for accessing hardware performance counters on modern microprocessors. The PAPI web site is located at:
  • TAU (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) - is a portable profiling and tracing toolkit for performance analysis of parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, Java, Python. The TAU website is located at:
  • Open SpeedShop - Open|SpeedShop is an open source multi platform Linux performance tool which is initially targeted to support performance analysis of applications running on both single node and large scale IA64, IA32, EM64T, and AMD64 platforms. It is explicitly designed with usability in mind and targets both application and computer scientists. Open|SpeedShop's base functionality includes metrics like exclusive and inclusive user time, MPI call tracing, and CPU hardware performance counter experiments. In addition, Open|SpeedShop is designed to be modular and easily extendable. It supports several levels of plugins which allow users to add their own performance experiments. Further information can be found at:
  • MPICH - a common implementation of MPI. further information can be found at:
  • LAM-MPI - implementation of the Message Passing Interface environmentnetworxapps.txt for running applications on clusters. Further information regarding LAM-MPI can be found at the following website
  • G95 - open source Fortran 95 compiler and runtime libraries. Additional information can be found at
  • FFTW - a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data, i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST). Further information regarding FFTW can be found at
  • HDF - The HDF software includes I/O libraries and tools for analyzing, visualizing, and converting scientific data. Further information regarding HDF can be found at
  • SCSL (the SGI/Cray Scientific Library) will not be available on the system.

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15. Visualization and graphics tools

The following tools are available on the Linux Networx systems for NCCS Users.

  • NCAR - Libraries and utilities for contour maps vector and streamline plots, X-Y graphs, map databases, and other visualization tools.
  • GrADS - further information can be found at
  • IDL - IDL's features include: advanced image processing, interactive 2-D and 3-D graphics, object oriented programming, insightful volume visualization, a high-level programming language, integrated mathematics and statistics, flexible data I/O, a cross-platform GUI toolkit, and versatile program linking tools. Click here to see how to run IDL.

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16. Using the data storage system to store and retrieve files

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17. Storage Quotas

The use of some file systems is controlled by quotas (see below). To determine your resource usage and how it compares to your quota, try the showquota command.

     % showquota

If the limits imposed by quotas are a problem for you, please contact User Services.

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18. Data Storage and the File Systems

Several different types of file systems are provided for user and system use. In general, LNXI nodes (login, gateway, and compute) all see the GPFS file system. In contrast, filesystems external to the LNXI cluster are not available tothe compute nodes, but instead are accessible (via NFS mounts) to the login and gateway nodes which are responsible for data transfer.

  • Home File Systems
    • Available for login, gateway, and compute nodes.
  • Nobackup
    • Generally used to store large working file (input and output) used for running applications, post processing, analysis, etc.
    • Is not backed up; any files that need to be saved for long periods should be copied into the mass storage directories.
  • Scratch
    • Set up on each compute host; a temporary directory is created at the time a PBS batch job begins running.
    • Accessed via the $TMPDIR environment variable and is the fastest performing file system.
    • Temporary storage area created for the life of the PBS batch job; any data that needs to be saved must be removed before the job is completed.
  • Mass Storage
    • At some point DMF file systems "/g[1-8]" might become available to the LNXI system login and gateway nodes, but not the compute nodes. In the meantime, data transfer between the cluster and mass storage via sftp and scp is discussed elsewhere in this document.
    • See the DMF documentation for more information.

One way to make data ready for a large compute run is to first submit a job to the datamove queue in the PBS system to copy files from a mass store or other location to, for example, a /discover/nobackup file system. Jobs in the datamove queue run on a cluster gateway node that has access to external, archive, and cluster-wide file systems. Once the data is on a file system visible to the compute nodes, a compute job using these data can be executed. The results of the compute job can be saved back out to the mass store or other user system using another job indatamove. These batch scripts can submit succeeding scripts, if the expected waits in the queues are not too long. Alternatively, one can submit the three jobs, two to the datamove and one to a compute queue, and then use PBS's capability to make one job depend on the completion of other jobs. Review PBS job dependencies and the -W depends=dependency_list argument to PBS for more information.

17.1 LNXI (discover) File System Access & Policies

File System
  • symlinked to /home/<username> ($HOME)
  • potentially made available on explore (SGI Altix)
  • storage quotas initially small (~500 MB)
GPFS Yes Yes Yes
  • symlinked to /nobackup/<username> ($NOBACKUP)
  • potentially available on explore
  • initially large storage quotas (~100 GB)
  • not skulked initially (possible GPFS skulking)
GPFS Yes Yes Yes
  • NFS mounted from explore -- details TBD
Currently Not Available Currently Not Available Not
  • NFS mounted from explore -- details TBD
Currently Not Available Currently Not Available Not
  • project specific directories
  • space driven by project requirements
GPFS Yes Yes Yes
  • /usr/local/otherlibs created here, for example
GPFS Yes Yes Yes
  • symlinked to /usr/local
GPFS Yes Yes Yes
  • node specific local directory (NOT global)
Local Yes Yes Yes
  • MPI libraries stored here
  • Don't worry, just load the module.
  • Same on each node (local to each node).
Local Yes Yes Yes
/g[1-8] and other DMF archive directories
  • symlinked to /archive/<username> ($ARCHIVE) - details TBD
Yes Yes Not Available

17.2 Nobackup and scratch storage and applications procedures and access

17.3 Mass Store Systems -


DMF is a hierarchical storage manager (HSM) that supports unlimited file size in a UNIX-like file system environment. Access is via the sftp (secure file transfer protocol) or scp (secure copy) interface, two protocols that incorporate additional encryption to ensure that files are transferred securely.

DMF manages its file system by automatically migrating files from its disk cache to tape when free space is low or files have not been accessed in a certain length of time. If you attempt to retrieve a file that Intel has recently introduced a new products "Cluster OpenMP" which in principle enables OpenMP to be used across multiple nodes of the platform. NCCS has a temporary license and is would like to assist interested users in trying out this product. See the man page for ifort or icc or contact for more information. t has been migrated to tape, it will automatically be copied to DMF's disk cache before it is copied to your local system. This functionality is very similar to that of the previous SAM-QFS software.

The NCCS is currently running DMF on Linux Networx, and the host name for the public-facing system is

17.4 There are 3 storage categories, permanent, temporary and project specific -

Permanent vs. temporary storage
Temporary file storage (/scr -> /discover/nobackup) -

Temporary storage will be mounted at /discover/nobackup There will be a long term scratch work space provided for users that is quota controlled, set at TBD. Users can request larger quota if justified. There will be no automatic deletions and will not be backed up. It is considered scratch storage space and the user is responsible for backing up to HSM.

The scratch filesystem is provided as a globally visible scratch space for temporary data storage. When a userid is created on discover, a directory is also created on scratch of the form TBD with mode 700 and the user's default group (you may choose to open up these permissions to others if needed, but we recommend that permissions be kept as restrictive as possible). You should use this directory to store temporary data on /scr.

The scratch file system is available for temporary data storage only and is not intended for long-term data storage. It is the user's responsibility to maintain backup copies of any critical data from on other mass storage systems, such as dirac.

When disk space starts to become full on scratch, the following actions will be taken to reclaim disk space: TBD

Permanent file storage

Will be mounted at /discover/home/<userid>and the user's home filesystem will be ($HOME).This will be quota controlled, user quota set at 1GB. Larger quotas can be granted if justified. Full backups will be performed once a week, Sunday at midnight. Possible incremental backups during the week are TBD.

Backups will be moved to the HSM system for long term archival.

Project Storage

Will be mounted at /discover/nobackup/projects/<project_name> and will be storage dedicated to the requesting project. This storage will be mainly quota controlled (a few might be filesystem size controlled) and not skulked unless requested by the project. Project storage will NOT backed up, since it is considered long term scratch storage space.

The Project is responsible for backing up to HSM.

Space allocated where need is shown to be justified.

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18. Access to file systems on other NCCS systems.

The file systems "home/<username>" and "nobackup[1-4]/<username>" will be NFS mounted from explore to the login and gateway nodes, but will not be available to the compute nodes.

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20. NCCS User Services Contact Information

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21. About this document.

These entries are maintained in an XML database. Please contact Mason Chang for more information. Corrections and comments are welcome.

Contributors include: M. Chang, A. Oloso, B. Pfaff, W. Putman. If you know of someone who should be attributed here, please let us know.

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FirstGov logo + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
+ Sciences and Exploration Directorate
NASA Curator: Mason Chang,
NCCS User Services Group (301-286-9120)
NASA Official: Phil Webster, High-Performance
Computing Lead, GSFC Code 606.2