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Staff Profile

Peter W. Lawson

Division: CB
Status: Federal, NOAA Fisheries
Job Title: Research Fishery Biologist
Phone: 541-867-0430
Email: send e-mail


NWFSC Publications
Before coming to the Pacific Northwest, Pete Lawson was a field ornithologist in Northeastern Mexico studying maroon-fronted parrots and flying radio-controlled gliders to lure peregrine falcons from their cliffs. After getting an M.S. and a Ph.D. in stream ecology at Idaho State University, Pete joined the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife as a fisheries modeler. He produced predictors for Oregon coho salmon, wrote a harvest model for Klamath River fall chinook, studied the species-specific selectivity of commercial fishing gears, developed a method for modeling mark-selective fisheries, and created a habitat-based life-cycle model of Oregon coastal natural coho. Since he joined the NWFSC in 1997, Pete has developed an interest in environmental influences on coho salmon survival, integrating climate effects across freshwater and marine phases of the coho life cycle. In addition to his research, Pete has served on the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the Pacific Fishery Management Council since 1988 and is a member of the Coho Technical Team of the Pacific Salmon Commission.

Current Research
Pete's current research and responsibilities fall into four areas:

Pete defines, through research and modeling, the conditions favorable to coho salmon in Oregon. This includes freshwater habitat structure, freshwater environment (flow, temperature), estuarine habitat and marine factors including environmental and anthropogenic influences. One of his long-term goals is to describe the possible effects of global climate change on coho salmon population dynamics in the Pacific Northwest.

Scientific and Statistical Committee: Pete has served as past chair of the committee and currently serves as chair of the salmon subcommittee. His duties include reviewing the technical component of fishery management plans, stock size predictors, harvest models, and other documents used by the Pacific Fishery Management Council in management of salmon, groundfish, and coastal pelagic fisheries. He is also participating in the emerging issue of designing and implementing marine reserves.

Coho Technical Committee: Pete conducts analysis, as needed, for management of coho salmon under the United States/Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty.

Oregon Coast/Northern California Technical Recovery Team: Pete leads the development of recovery goals for Oregon coastal natural coho salmon.

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last modified 11/10/2005

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