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For Teachers: Lesson Activities and Resources
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Here are three lesson activities that you can include in a lesson plan. Each will require 15-20 minutes of classroom time and can include homework components. You will also find additional resources below to teach your students and their parents about the importance of adequate sleep.

Lesson Activities

  • Keeping a Sleep Diary
    This activity will help students explore the connection between the number of hours they sleep each night and their energy levels.

  • How Much Sleep Do Animals Need?
    Lead your students in a discussion explaining why animals – including humans – need different amounts of sleep.

  • The Perfect Sleep Nest
    Help students explore ideal sleeping environments and understand the factors that can influence the quality of their sleep.


  • Star Sleeper Presentation
    A downloadable PowerPoint presentation that can be used by educators for teaching parents and other community members about the importance of adequate sleep to children's health and well-being.

  • Hints For Healthy Sleep
    PDF document, 127K, need Acrobat Reader to view
    A tip sheet for educators to send to parents providing hints for helping children get enough sleep.

  • Children Need Rest To Do Their Best
    PDF document, 78K, need Acrobat Reader to view
    A drop-in article for school publications discussing the Sleep Well. Do Well. Star Sleeper Campaign and the importance of adequate sleep to children.

  • Time for Kids:  TFK Extra--Supplement to TIME For Kids
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