ORISE Business Areas

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

National Security and Emergency Management

Scientific Peer Reviews

Worker and Public Health Communication

Other Business Areas


ORISE is managed for
the U.S. Department of Energy
by Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Department of Energy Logo  DOE Office of Science Logo

At the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), the word "safety" encompasses the whole range of environment, safety, and health (ES&H) issues, including waste minimization and pollution prevention. For the ORISE staff, safety is more than just a goal - it's a way of life, both on the job and at home. ORISE has both the track record and the recognition from outside parties to prove that safety is the first priority in everything we do.

Safety Culture and Integrated Safety Management (ISM)
See how we make safety a part of everything we do at ORISE.

Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
Learn about the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education's participation in the flagship safety program for the Department of Energy.

ORISE is one of only 26 sites to have earned DOE's highest safety rating.

Recycling is just one part of how we exercise environmental responsibility at ORISE. Reducing waste, buying recycled products, conserving energy, and safely handling hazardous materials all play a part in our ISO-14001 certified environmental management plan.

ORISE Work Smart Standards (WSS)
Learn about how ORISE came to implement the Work Smart Standards (WSS) for our ES&H efforts and review the current set of standards.

For more information

Robert J. Kapolka,
Director of Environment,
Safety & Health


VPP Star Site

ORISE received the prestigious recognition of being a Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program Star Site for its outstanding occupational health and safety program.