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Blind Services

  Services for Persons who are Blind



Arkansas Information Reading Services for the Blind 



These broadcasts involve the reading of local and national newspapers and magazines daily over special television or radio channels.  This service provides independent access to current information for print-handicapped individuals, broadcast services that are available, and maintains a touch-tone phone access to daily newspapers.


Business and Technology Services 



This program provides evaluation, training, and assessment of computer skills and systems for blind and visually impaired consumers. Job placement services include counseling, job seeking classes for clients seeking employment through the Vocational Rehabilitation Programs and job coaches for employees.


Independent Living Rehabilitation Services


This is a coordinated system of services to improve the ability of an individual with a severe disability to function, continue functioning, or move toward functioning independently in the family, community or to continue in employment.


Living Independence For Elders (LIFE) 



This program provides independent living services to older individuals who are blind, conduct activities that will improve or expand services for these individuals and conduct activities to help improve public understanding of the problems of these individuals. These services assist people in learning how to care for themselves, travel independently, and perform home management skills and other activities to promote self-reliance. Family involvement and support services are strongly encouraged.

Vending Facility Program (VFP) 


This program trains qualified blind persons to manage a vending stand, snack bars or food service facility in both public and private buildings. Blind persons are trained, tested and certified as a licensed blind vendor to manage locations throughout the state. 

Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program 


This is a comprehensive statewide program designed to provide employment related services to individuals with visual disabilities. Employment related services are planned to assist these individuals secure, obtain or retain employment in careers consistent with their unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice of the individual. VR services are provided using an Order of Selection for applicants meeting eligibility criteria. 

Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Services 


These services are a coordinated set of activities for a student designed to promote movement from school to post-school. Transition services and activities are based on the student’s needs, interests and preferences and must include instruction, community experiences, the development of an employment and post-school objectives, and as appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional evaluation.