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Home > Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site > Publications and Resources > Dose Estimates and Other Compendia

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center and Training Site

Dose Estimates and Other Compendia

As part of its mission to disseminate the most accurate dose estimates and models, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) has made available several compendia of dose information (listed below), via Word and PDF files and anonymous FTP access. You may also access this information via www.internaldosimetry.com.

To obtain electronic copies of these documents via FTP, log on via anonymous FTP, to ftp.orau.gov, using the word 'anonymous' as the username and your E-mail address as the password. Once logged in, type 'cd doses' and copy any of these documents that are of interest to you. The file "index.dos" contains a description of which files contain which information.

The dose estimate compendium for adults been published as NUREG/CR-6345. The dose estimate compendium for children was published as "Internal Dosimetry in Pediatric Nuclear Medicine" (M. Stabin, in Pediatric Nuclear Medicine, S. Treves, ed., Springer-Verlag, 1995). The compendium of dose estimates for pregnant women was published originally as the master's thesis of Joy R. Russell (University of Tennessee, 1995) and has also been published by the Health Physics journal (73[5]:756-769, 1997). The guidelines for breastfeeding mothers are available in USNRC Regulatory Guide 8.39 and NUREG-1492 (Appendix B).

For more information

Dr. Doran Christensen
Associate Director, REAC/TS
Dr. Albert Wiley
Director, REAC/TS


(Ask for REAC/TS)


Useful Dosimetry Consulting Links

CDE, Inc. Dosimetry Services

Radiation Dose Assessment Resource (RADAR)