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Using Secure Unattended Proxy (SUP)


  • Initial Setup for Using the SUP
  • Generate an NCCS SUP Key (Once a Week)
  • Using the SUP for Unattended File Transfers and Other Functions
  • Additional SUP Notes

  • Introduction

    Initial Setup for Using the SUP

    One-Time Setup for the NCCS SUP Server

    The one-time setup with the NCCS SUP server includes steps to activate your SUP account and set your SUP password, and then copy your authorized_keys file to the NCCS SUP complex.
    1. Activate your NCCS SUP account and set your NCCS SUP password:
      1. Get your login activated on the NCCS SUP complex by contacting NCCS User Services ( or 301-286-9120).  NCCS User Services will contact you with your temporary SUP password.
      2. Change your initial NCCS SUP password via sup_passwd on palm:
        1. Log on to
        2. Run the sup_passwd command to change your temporary SUP password:
          Changing LDAP password for username
          New password: new-password
          Re-enter new password: new-password
          Enter LDAP Password: old-password
          Result: Success (0)
          Note that your new password is requested first, and your original password is requested last.
    1. Copy the authorized_key file to the NCCS SUP complex:
      1. On the host from which you wish to generate your SUP key, locate your existing public SSH key (.ssh/ or .ssh/ under your home directory), or create your SSH public and private keys if you don't yet have them.

        To create a new public SSH key:

        1. If it does not yet exist, create the .ssh directory under your home directory on the host, and change directories the .ssh directory:
          mkdir .ssh
          chmod 700 .ssh
          cd .ssh
        2. Create a DSA public SSH key (the .ssh/ under your home directory):
          ssh-keygen -t dsa
      2. Locate your authorized_keys file, which contains one or more SSH public keys that allow the corresponding SSH private keys to be used for authentication to a system, or create an authorized_key file if you don't yet have one

        To create an authorized_keys file, concatenate your public SSH key file (.ssh/ or .ssh/ under your home directory) into a file called authorized_keys. Run "chmod 600" on the authorized_keys file to protect it.  For example, starting from your home directory:

           cd .ssh
        cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

        chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
        ls -l ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
        -rw------- 1 user gabcde 6037 2006-09-25 15:24 /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys

        The NCCS SUP complex needs the SSH public key you would use from each host from which you would run the request to generate a SUP key.  If you request to generate your NCCS SUP key from different hosts, and use different SSH public keys on those hosts, you will need to include those SSH public keys in the authorized_keys file that you copy to the NCCS SUP complex. You can concatenate the different SSH public key files into a single authorized_key file.  For example, starting from your home directory:

        cd .ssh
        cat id_dsa.pub_host1 id_dsa.pub_host2 id_dsa.pub_host3 > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

        chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
        ls -l ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
        -rw------- 1 user gabcde 6037 2006-09-25 15:24 /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys

      3. Copy your authorized_keys file to SUP server called using 'mesh-keygen --init'. From your home directory:

        cd .ssh
        ssh -x -l username -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask
        \ mesh-keygen --init < authorized_keys

        You will be prompted for both your NCCS Passcode (PIN + SecurID token code) and your SUP password.  The RSA key fingerprint of is 64:2b:eb:86:de:77:54:7d:7c:33:fc:d6:54:91:2b:41 .

    One-Time Setup on NCCS Hosts

    1. Execute authorization: In order to perform any SUP operations on an NCCS host, a .meshrc file must exist on your home directory on that host.  You can create the .meshrc file by running the following command from your home directory on that NCCS host:
         touch .meshrc>

      You can also exclude the execution of certain SUP operations via the .meshrc file. Instructions for excluding SUP operations via .meshrc are here.

    2. Write authorization: You must specify the top level of target directories for file copies written via the SUP. In your home directory on each NCCS host, edit a .meshrc file containing one line for each each top-level directory into which you want to write a file. For example, on palm the .meshrc file might contain:
         cat .meshrc
      Note: As a security precaution the NCCS SUP will not permit you to use the SUP to write or overwrite any file that begins with the dot character (e.g., .login) within your NCCS host's home directory.

    Generate an NCCS SUP Key (Once a Week)

    Now that you have completed your setup on the SUP server and NCCS hosts, you must generate the SUP key to be used for SUP operations. The SUP key can be generated from commands issued on any of your remote hosts or an NCCS host provided your SSH public key on that host has been copied to the NCCS SUP complex; see instructions here. Note: the following command examples are based on OpenSSH commands used on UNIX and Linux hosts. Your command line may be different if your host does not use OpenSSH.)

    1. Start an ssh-agent process:
      • If your login shell is sh or bash:
        eval `ssh-agent -s`
      • If your login shell is csh or tcsh:
        eval `ssh-agent -c`
    2. Add your SSH private key identity (.ssh/id_dsa or .ssh/id_rsa under your home directory) to the ssh-agent.  For example :
         ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa
    3. Generate your SUP key by running 'mesh-keygen' via an ssh to, and then protect it:
      1. When you generate your SUP key, you need to save your SUP key in a file in your ~/.ssh directory:

        ssh -Ax -l username -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask
        \ mesh-keygen > ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key_filename

        You will be prompted for both your NCCS Passcode (PIN + SecurID token code) and your SUP password.  The RSA key fingerprint  for is 41:b1:ce:16:a5:94:9d:8c:c3:0f:4f:3d:c5:77:78:a1 .

        Because multiple SUP keys may be active at one time, you may prefer to include the key's creation date and time in the name of your SUP key. For example:

        ssh -Ax -l username -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask
        \ mesh-keygen > ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key.`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M`

      2. To use your SUP key successfully you must make your SUP key readable only by you, e.g.:
           chmod 600 ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key_filename
    4. This SUP key may be used from other remote hosts to perform SUP operations .  Note that to use your SUP key successfully you must make sure your SUP key is readable only by you.  To copy your SUP key and preserve its file permissions, run:
         scp -p nccs_sup_key_filename another_host:.ssh/nccs_sup_key_filename

    Using the SUP for Unattended File Transfers and Other Functions

    After your initial setup, you must do the following two things from your remote host to perform unattended file transfers and other functions using the SUP (steps are described in detail in this section):

    1. ssh-add the SUP key(s) to an ssh-agent process, so that it can pass the key(s) to the NCCS SUP host complex
    2. Issue the SUP versions of your commands

    The following examples are based on OpenSSH commands used on UNIX and Linux hosts. Your command line may be different if your host does not use OpenSSH.

    SUP Prerequisite: ssh-agent with keys

    Before you issue any remote commands via the NCCS SUP, on your remote host you must always ensure you have used the ssh-add command to add the required limited-lifetime SUP key(s) to an ssh-agent process, so that it can pass them to the NCCS SUP.

    1. Start an ssh-agent process.
    2. Add your SUP key(s) to the ssh-agent:
         ssh-add ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key_filename_1 ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key_filename_2 ...

    SUP Techniques: "supwrap" script (scp, sftp)

    To use the SUP for unattended scp and sftp sessions, you can use a small "supwrap" shell script to pass your key to the SUP.

    1. If one is not running already, start an ssh-agent process and add your SUP key(s).
    2. Create the "supwrap" script.
      1. Create a file called "supwrap" that contains this shell script:
        exec ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q $@
      2. Make the "supwrap" script file executable:
           chmod 700 supwrap
    3. Use the "supwrap" script in scp and sftp file transfers
      • For example, for scp:
           scp -S ./supwrap foobar
      • For an sftp example:
           sftp -S ./supwrap

    SUP Example for qstat

    1. If one is not running already, start an ssh-agent process and add your SUP key(s).
    2. Issue your qstat command using the SUP:
         ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q palm qstat

    SUP Example for test

    1. If one is not running already, start an ssh-agent process and add your SUP key(s).
    2. Issue your test command using the SUP:

      ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q palm test -f /tmp/c_foobar

    SUP Techniques: Shortcuts via Aliases (All Commands, from bash, csh, and tcsh Login Shells)

    You can create shell aliases that can simplify your use of the SUP:
    • Sample bash aliases for SUP commands:
         alias sup_keygen='ssh -Ax -o PubkeyAuthentication=no mesh-keygen'
      alias sup_scp='scp -S /dir/supwrap' (replace /dir appropriately)
      alias sup_sftp='sftp -S /dir/supwrap' (replace /dir appropriately)
      alias sup_bbftp='bbftp -L "ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q"'
      alias sup_qstat='ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q palm qstat'
      alias sup_ctest='ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q palm test'
    • Sample csh and tcsh aliases for SUP commands:
         alias sup_keygen 'ssh -Ax -o PubkeyAuthentication=no mesh-keygen'
      alias sup_scp 'scp -S /dir/supwrap' (replace /dir appropriately)
      alias sup_sftp 'sftp -S /dir/supwrap' (replace /dir appropriately)
      alias sup_bbftp 'bbftp -L "ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q"'
      alias sup_qstat 'ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q palm qstat'
      alias sup_ctest 'ssh -Ax -o BatchMode=yes ssh -q palm test'

    Additional SUP Notes

    SUP Use from Batch Jobs and Cron

    Issue: a SUP key can expire between the time when a job is submitted (or begins execution) and the time when the job issues its command via SUP; a similar situation can arise for scripts run via 'cron'.  The batch job or cron script needs to make sure it uses a SUP key valid at the time of the job's file transfers (or other SUP operation) rather than the SUP keys valid at the time the job started.


    1. Generate SUP keys at least twice a week, to ensure your batch jobs and cron scripts always have access to a valid key (because SUP keys have a 7-day expiration).  The SUP now allows more than one SUP key to be active at a time. 
    2. Immediately before your script performs any file transfers or other SUP operations,
      1. Locate your latest SUP key(s).  The script can capture the names of the most recent SUP key files in a shell variable.  For example, to set the value of variable 'latest_keys' to contain the names of the two most recent two SUP keys, a bash or sh script might use:
         latest_keys=`ls -1t ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key* | head -2`
      2. Start an ssh-agent and add to it your latest SUP keys. To ensure it gets the latest SUP keys, the batch or cron job script can start an ssh agent for every group of SUP commands, rather than starting one at the beginning of a job and using keys loaded earlier. For example, in a bash or sh script:
         eval `ssh-agent -s
        ssh-add ~/.ssh/nccs_sup_key_filename(s)
        ...issue first SUP command...
        ...issue last SUP command...
        kill `echo $SSH_AGENT_PID`
        If the bash or sh script had set a variable 'latest_keys' as above, the bash or sh script could use:
         eval `ssh-agent -s
        ssh-add $latest_keys
        ...issue first SUP command...
        ...issue last SUP command...
        kill `echo $SSH_AGENT_PID`

    Restricting Your SUP Operations

    You can modify the .meshrc file on an NCCS host to restrict or limit your NCCS SUP operations for that NCCS host.
    1. Log in on the NCCS target host and use grep to determine the list of all SUP operations permitted by issuing:
        grep "+x " /etc/mesh/etc/meshrc 

      Output from the grep command includes the full path name of SUP operations permitted on that host.  For example:

        +x /usr/local/bin/bbftpd
      +x /usr/local/bin/scp
      +x /path/to/command
    2. Prohibit a command (e.g., "/path/to/command") from executing on a given host by adding the following (on a separate line) to your ~/.meshrc file:
        -x /path/to/command

    SUP Key Management

    You may have multiple SUP keys that all expire at different times. The "mesh-keytime" and "mesh-keykill" commands help you to manage multiple SUP keys.


    To determine the expiration time of a SUP key stored in a file "/key/file", run the following:

    ssh -xi /key/file -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o BatchMode=yes mesh-keytime

    If /key/file is still valid, the key fingerprint and expiration time will be printed to your terminal session.  If the key is no longer valid, you will see either "Permission denied (expired key)" or "Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)."


    To invalidate SUP keys before their expiration time has passed:
    1. If one is not running already, start an ssh-agent process and add your SSH private key:
      1. Start an ssh-agent process:
        • If your login shell is sh or bash:
          eval `ssh-agent -s`
        • If your login shell is csh or tcsh:
          eval `ssh-agent -c`
      2. Add your SSH private key identity (.ssh/id_dsa or .ssh/id_rsa under your home directory) to the ssh-agent.  For example :
           ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa
    2. To invalidate one specific SUP key stored in a file "/key/file", run the following:

    ssh -Axi /key/file -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o BatchMode=yes mesh-keykill

              To invalidate all your valid SUP keys, run:
           ssh -Ax -o PubkeyAuthentication=no mesh-keykill --all

    Common SUP Issues and Questions

    • Issues when copying authorized_keys files to
      • What can I do if the "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask" option causes an error when I try to use scp to copy my authorized_keys file to

        You can remove the "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask" option and try the scp again. If you get the error message "Host key verification failed", your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file needs an entry for the host. Follow the directions here to get the known_hosts entry added, and then issue your scp command again.

      • Why do I see "Host key verification failed" when I try to copy my authorized_keys file to

        On some hosts, the "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask" apparently doesn't work, or is not supported with the scp command. Users may then have to take out the "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=ask", and often then will see a failure with a "Host key verification failed" message. The reason is that the user's machine needs an entry for and in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. The workaround is to have the user attempt an ssh to and While the ssh will fail, the desired entries will be added to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file if the user just control-c's after answering yes to having the entry added, e.g.:

        The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
        RSA key fingerprint is aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb:cc:dd.
        Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
        Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

    • The only way you can copy files directly in to palm is via the SUP, because there are no direct ssh logins to palm from outside the NCCS facility. (Regular ssh connections to palm must all log in from outside the NCCS perimeter via an ssh to first.)
    • Why do I get the following error when trying to use bbftp to write a file, even though directory permissions allow me to write files in that directory?

      BBFTP-ERROR-00100: Error creation file /nobackup/user/myfile.bbftp.tmp.dirac.12383936 : Permission denied

      This error occurs when you are prevented from writing in the target directory (e.g., /nobackup) because it is not included in your .meshrc. Follow the instructions here to add the directory to your .meshrc file.

    • If your SUP key file is readable by anyone other than yourself, when you try to add it to the ssh-agent it will prompt you for a passphrase, e.g.:
         ls -l nccs_sup_key_filename 
      -rw-r----- 1 user abcdefg 887 2006-09-20 22:17 nccs_sup_key_filename
      ssh-add nccs_sup_key_filename
      Permissions 0640 for 'nccs_sup_key_filename' are too open.
      It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
      This private key will be ignored.
      bad permissions: ignore key: nccs_sup_key_filename
      Enter passphrase for nccs_sup_key_filename:
      If this happens, you should control-c to cancel that ssh-add command and before running it again, chmod the nccs_sup_key file to mode 600 (readable by owner only).
    • When issuing the 'test' or 'qstat' commands to palm via the SUP, you must use the hostname 'palm'.
    • You can use 'ssh-add -l' to list the fingerprints of keys that are currently added to the ssh-agent your current shell is using; you can use ssh-add -d key_file_name to delete keys from the ssh-agent.
    • When generating your SUP key, if you're prompted for your Password first, then you connected to the NAS/Columbia SUP host and not the NCCS SUP host. The NCCS sup host ( will ask for your PASSCODE first.
    • If you accidentally try to use NAS/Columbia's SUP host instead of the NCCS's, you will see either a "Host key verification failed." or a "Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)." error message.

    FirstGov logo + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
    + Sciences and Exploration Directorate
    + CISTO
    NASA Curator: Mason Chang,
    NCCS User Services Group (301-286-9120)
    NASA Official: Phil Webster, High-Performance
    Computing Lead, GSFC Code 606.2