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NERSC served 2,594 scientists throughout the United States in FY 2002. These researchers work in DOE laboratories, universities, industry, and other Federal agencies. Figure 1 shows the proportion of NERSC usage by each type of institution, while Figures 2 and 3 show laboratory, university, and other organizations that used large allocations of computer time. Computational science conducted at NERSC covers the entire range of scientific disciplines, but is focused on research that supports the DOE’s mission and scientific goals, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 1   NERSC usage by institution type, FY02.   Figure 2   Leading DOE laboratory usage at NERSC, FY02 (>200,000 processor hours).
Figure 3   Leading academic and related usage at NERSC, FY02 (>500,000 processor hours). Figure 4   NERSC usage by scientific discipline, FY02.



NERSC Annual Report 2002 Table of Contents Science Highlights NERSC Center