State of Colorado: Governor Bill Ritter

Budget Instructions

FY 2009-10 Calendar - September 2008


The Chapters for the FY 2009-10 Budget Instructions will be posted as completed.

Chapter 1 Budget Process and Schedule
Chapter 2  Department Description
Chapter 3 Strategic Plan
Chapter 4  Change Requests and Change Request Schedules and Facts Sheets
Chapter 5  Line Item Description and Reconciliation
Chapter 6  Schedule 2, 3 and 4 - Line Items and Divisions
Chapter 7 Other Summary Schedules  
Chapter 8  Common Policy Instructions 
Chapter 9  Statewide Budget Overview - coming soon!
Chapter 10  Information Technology Requests
Chapter 11  Capital Construction
Chapter 12 Education, Higher Education, Transportation, and Non-Executive Agencies
Appendix A: Templates and Examples:
Chapter 2 - Example of Background Information
Chapter 2 - Fact Sheet Template
Chapter 2 - Fact Sheet Example 1
Chapter 2 - Fact Sheet Example 2
Chapter 3 - Strategic Plan Page Template
Chapter 3 - Strategic Plan Page Example
Chapter 4 - Schedule 10 Example
Chapter 4 - Schedule 13
Chapter 4 - Change Request Form
Chapter 4 - Change Request Fact Sheet Example 1
Chapter 4 - Change Request Fact Sheet Example 2
Chapter 5 - FY 2009-10 Reconciliation Template and Example
Chapter 5 - FY 2009-10 Line Item Descriptions Example
Chapter 6 - Schedule 2, 3 and 4 - Template and Examples
Chapter 7 - Schedule 9 with Examples
Chapter 7 - Schedule 5, 6, 7 with Examples
Chapter 8 - Template for Schedule 8 - NEW!
Appendix B:  Glossary of Budget Terms - coming soon!
Appendix C:  Calendar for the FY 2009-10 Budget Cycle
Appendix D: Capital Construction Forms and Additional Information
FY 2009-10 CC-C Narrative Form
FY 2009-10 CC-C Form
FY 2009-10 CC-IT Form
Capital Assets Purpose Codes
CC-01 Form
CC-P FY 09-10 to FY 13-14
Controlled Maintenance CM-3 CC-1 Instructions
FY 2008-09 Controlled Maintenance CM-03
FY 2009-10 Controlled Maintenance CM-03
LEED EB Checklist
Department of Higher Ed FY 2009-10 Budget Manual
Appendix N:  Information Technology Budget Request Forms
  ITPP Instructions FY 10 
  Cost-Benefit Analysis FY 10
  IT Category Definitions FY 10
  ITPP Form FY 10




Todd Saliman, Director
Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting
200 East Colfax, Room 111, Denver, Colorado 80203
Phone: 303.866.3317 Fax: 303.866.3044
Send comments or questions to:



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