Computer Protection Program Berkeley Lab
Computer Protection Program at Berkeley Lab Security
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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On behalf of the Computer Protection Program and IT Division, welcome to Berkeley Lab. We hope you have an intellectually rewarding, productive, and safe and secure relationship with the Laboratory.

Just as in safety, you and your line management are responsible for taking appropriate precautions to ensure the security of systems you use and manage. That means integrating security into the way you use and develop systems. The RPM describes this as IT Stewardship: Taking appropriate precuations to ensure that both your information and systems are protected.

As a new employee you are required to take SEC0201: Introduction to Computer Security at Berkeley Lab, which provides foundational information about your responsibilies.

After you complete the course, ensure you locate your division's CPIC Liaision. This is your point person for assistance in your division and he or she can provide you with division-specific rules and procedures relating to computer security.

You may also wish to review the RPM Section 9 and the Computer Protection Program website.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your division's CPIC Liaison or the Computer Protection Program.