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Focus on Results: Enhancing Capacity across Sectors in Transition Countries (FORECAST)


In 2005, AED’s Center for International Training was awarded the USAID-funded Focus on Results: Enhancing Capacity across Sectors in Transition Countries (FORECAST) Indefinite Quantity Contract. The contract was awarded by USAID’s Office of Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT) and is available globally to all USAID Bureaus and Missions who are interested.


FORECAST provides a unique opportunity to use a comprehensive human and institutional capacity development (HICD) approach to assess performance gaps and provide targeted interventions to address the gaps within workgroups or institutions that are coping with changing economic, political and social systems. The HICD approach can be applied to diverse organizations from a USAID Strategic Objective Team to USAID partner organizations. It targets two important aspects of building organizational capacity: a holistic perspective in assessing organizational performance gaps and interventions to address gaps, and the cyclical nature of capacity development (from assessment to application of interventions, to monitoring and evaluation of interventions, to re-assessment). The HICD approach garners participation and buy-in of all stakeholders, ensuring sustainability of the resulting performance changes.


As part of the HICD approach, AED provides participant training services, including training program development and management, monitoring and evaluation, and all associated participant processing services such as visas, medicals, English testing, and pre-departure orientations.


Under FORECAST, AED can be asked to provide a comprehensive range of human and institutional capacity development services to support the achievement of USAID strategic objectives in all fields. Services include: assessments to identify performance gaps in targeted institutions; the design and delivery of training and non-training interventions to address performance issues; monitoring and evaluation of these interventions; stand-alone custom and off-the-shelf training programs; short- and long-term academic programs; the procurement of intervention providers; participant processing services; partnerships administration; small grants; technical assistance; on-going monitoring and evaluation, and follow-on activities.


AED is implementing FORECAST with our partners:


Management Systems International (MSI)

Associates for Global Change (AGC)

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)

Partners International (PI)


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