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Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs
Avian Influenza Action Group
 - Health and Human Services/
 - Biography: Ambassador John E. Lange
 - Office of Medical Services Pandemic Influenza Plan
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Avian Influenza Action Group

Protected worker removes the carcass of a swan on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006 near the harbour of Wittower Fahre on the island of Ruegen, northeastern Germany. [AP World Wide Photo]The U.S. Government is concerned that the ongoing outbreaks of avian influenza in birds have the Report cover for the National Stategy for Pandemic Influenza.potential to turn into a human influenza pandemic that would have significant global health, economic, and social consequences. The President's November 2005 National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza assigned the lead role for the U.S. Government's international efforts in dealing with avian and pandemic influenza to the Department of State.

The Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs has developed the Avian Influenza Action Group headed by the Special Representative for Avian and Pandemic Influenza. The Avian Influenza Action Group, in close collaboration with the Departments of Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Homeland Security, Defense, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and other agencies, leads the Department's work on developing an international engagement strategy based on preparedness, prevention, and containment. The Avian Influenza Action Vietnamese women carry a basket of chickens through the street in Hanoi, Vietnam. [AP/Wide World Photos]Group is involved in efforts to:  engage political leadership in affected nations through bilateral interactions and multilateral forums; strengthen transparency and international cooperation; improve surveillance and laboratory capacity; strengthen coordination between human and animal health sectors; and develop coordination of concerned countries.

All involved agencies throughout the U.S. Government are coordinating to maintain up-to-date U.S. information on pandemic flu and avian influenza at  The State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs will keep international travelers up to date through their travel fact sheet.


International Symposium on the U.S. Financial Services Sector Pandemic Flu Exercise
Amb. Lange (Jan. 29): "This is the first opportunity I have had to address an audience made up primarily of financial-sector officials and representatives of international financial organizations. As you know, while a pandemic will not physically damage banks or computer networks, it will threaten the financial system by removing essential personnel from the workplace for weeks, or even months." [more]

United States Largest Donor in Fight Against Avian and Pandemic Influenza
The United States, already the global leader in funding efforts to combat avian and pandemic influenza, today raised its pledge to $629 million (Rs. 2,469 crore) at the closing session of the International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza in New Delhi. [more]

New Delhi International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza
Opening remarks by Amb. John E. Lange, Special Representative on Avian and Pandemic Influenza and Head of the U.S. Delegation, New Delhi, India

Updated Fact Sheets 
-- U.S. International Engagement on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (5/13)
Government Support to Combat Avian and Pandemic Influenza:
-- East Asia/Pacific
-- Europe and Eurasia
-- Middle East/North Africa/Arabian Peninsula
-- South and Central Asia
-- Sub-Saharan Africa

Pandemic Flu: Towards an Effective Global Preparedness Policy
Remarks by Amb. John E. Lange, Special Representative on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, at Chatham House, London, UK

Front cover for North American planRelease of North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Infuenza, August 2007 [report; fact sheet]

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