Appendix E

Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee

The Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC) provides valuable, independent advice to the Department of Energy on a variety of complex scientific and technical issues related to its Advanced Scientific Computing Research program. ASCAC’s recommendations include advice on long-range plans, priorities, and strategies to address more effectively the scientific aspects of advanced scientific computing including the relationship of advanced scientific computing to other scientific disciplines, and maintaining appropriate balance among elements of the program. The Committee formally reports to the Director, Office of Science. The Committee primarily includes representatives of universities, national laboratories, and industries involved in advanced computing research. Particular attention is paid to obtaining a diverse membership with a balance among scientific disciplines, institutions, and geographic regions.

Jill P. Dahlburg, Chair
Naval Research Laboratory

Robert G. Voigt, Co-Chair
College of William and Mary

F. Ronald Bailey
NASA Ames Research Center (retired)

Gordon Bell
Microsoft Bay Area Research Center

David J. Galas
Battelle Memorial Institute

Roscoe C. Giles
Boston University

James J. Hack
National Center for Atmospheric Research

 Thomas A. Manteuffel
University of Colorado at Boulder

Horst D. Simon
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Ellen B. Stechel
Sandia National Laboratories

Rick L. Stevens
Argonne National Laboratory

Virginia Torczon
College of William and Mary

Thomas Zacharia
Oak Ridge National Laboratory