World LNG Imports by Origin, 2000 (Billion Cubic Feet)

  United States Trinidad and Tobago Algeria Libya Nigeria Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Australia Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Total Imports
North America 0.42 98.95 46.95   12.65 46.06 2.73 10.00 5.95   2.76   226.46
United States   98.95 46.95   12.65 46.06 2.73 10.00 5.95   2.76   226.04
Mexico1 0.42                       0.42
Central/South America   12.33                     12.33
Puerto Rico   12.33                     12.33
Western Europe   29.45 903.99 27.37 148.89 28.46 4.84 7.06         1150.07
Belgium     162.63                   162.63
France     365.12   8.83 2.83             376.78
Greece     17.90                   17.90
Italy     99.31   77.76 1.41             178.48
Spain   29.45 139.67 27.37 59.47 4.17 4.84 7.06         272.03
Turkey     119.36   2.83 20.06             142.25
Asia/Oceania 65.61         442.04 241.80 76.28 361.94 319.25 1297.29 739.97 3544.17
Japan 65.61         291.35 230.61 2.83 359.47 282.38 886.09 538.66 2656.99
South Korea           150.69 11.19 73.46 2.47 36.87 282.41 112.30 669.40
Taiwan                     128.78 89.01 217.79
Apparent Exports 66.03 140.73 950.94 27.37 161.54 516.56 249.36 93.34 367.89 319.25 1300.05 739.97 4933.03

1 Imports to Mexico from the United States are delivered by truck.

Sources: Imports to the United States and Imports to Japan and Mexico from the United States: Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas Monthly (November 2001). Taiwan: Ministry of Finance, Monthly Statistics of Imports and Exports (December 2000). Imports to France and Turkey from Nigeria, Imports to France and Italy from Qatar, Imports to Spain and Japan from Oman, and Imports to Puerto Rico from Trinidad and Tobago: Cedigaz Centre International d'Information sur le Gaz Naturel et tous Hydrocarbures Gazeux, Natural Gas In the World - 2001 Survey (Provisional). All Other Data: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Energy Agency, Natural Gas Information 2001 (With 2000 Data).

Last Updated on 12/7/2001
By Karen Griffin