Michael Van Cleve
January 17 , 2005 [Email]


Clear floor space located at lavatories in toilet rooms should be centered on the lavatory or allow a minimum dimension of 14" from the centerline to an obstruction. I have observed that the centerline of the lavatory can be as close as 10" from an obstruction (wall, toilet or urinal partition, etc.) depending on the brand and manufacturer of the lav. This may cause difficulty for individuals with limited trunk twisting mobility or who have difficulty manuevering into close tight/close spaces. This is particularly important at lavatories because of the nature of the act of hand washing, which for many individuals requires both hands. In addition, the location of the controls are often between 18"-20" from the front edge of the lav. This places the reach range at a further reach for individuals not centered at the lav. In contrast to use of drinking fountains or other fixtures which may be operated by a single hand and where controls are at the front of the mechanism or fixture.

It seems to me that the nature of the clear floor space is to provide a centered area of "use space" for an individual. Not indicating the centering of clear floor space leads to unnecessary interpretation for a seemingly minor but important dimension.

Thank you for your time.