Daun Flynn

January 10, 2005 [Hearing Testimony (via telephone)]

MS. FLYNN: Okay. Hello. This is Daun Flynn. I'm a travel agent in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and I specialize in disabled travel, including promoting service dogs cruises.

We've had a number -- well, we've had five service dog cruises, and it's always a challenge to be able to get the acceptable staterooms for the clients, particularly those that are paraplegic or in wheelchairs. On some cruises, the staterooms -- people have purchased the balcony staterooms, and they have been unaccessible except for the bathroom.

There's been no room at the bottom of the bed by the wall that would enable a wheelchair to get out onto the balcony without moving furniture or having beds removed from the room. I have reviewed the draft of what you have as far as the accessible walkways around a room, and I just wanted to support the draft. I think it's terrific, and certainly those minimum standards need to be met. That is basically my comments.

MS. TUCK: Daun, this is Jan Tuck. Thank you so much for calling.

Does anyone have any questions for her?

MS. FLYNN: I'm sorry?

MS. TUCK: I was just asking if anybody had any questions for you.

MS. FLYNN: Okay.

MS. TUCK: Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Daun. No problem. Bye bye.