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Social Security Online
Representative Payment Program

Representative Payment Program Home

Table of Contents

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Guide for Organizational Representative Payeesjump to text



What is a representative payee?
Who is a beneficiary?
Who needs a representative payee?
How to apply to be an representative payee
What are your duties as a representative payee?
What is proper use of benefits?
What is misuse of benefits?
Some things a representative payee cannot do
Managing and conserving funds
Special instructions for children's representative payees
Changes you must reported to SSA
What is your liability and responsibility for an overpayment?
Best Practices
Sample Contract
Sample Reporting Form
Developing a representative payee accounting system
Payment for representative payee services
How to request authorization to collect a fee
Monitoring of representative payees
What a representative payee must know about the "Ticket to Work" provisions for people with disabilities
Frequently Asked Questions
Medicare and Medicaid
Other Available Publications
If you have questions


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Last reviewed or modified Monday Jan 14, 2008
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