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What's New in the ADS for March 2003

Note: This chart summarizes new or revised policy/procedures or other changes, as applicable.

Disclaimer: Archived entries may have been recently changed or removed. Please check the current ADS chapters and references, as well as recent interim updates for the latest information.

Browse Series: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600
Series 100: Agency Organization and Legal Affairs
ADS 103, Delegations of Authority
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The delegations of authority for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) have been updated. See 103.3.15.

Series 300: Acquisition & Assistance
Contract Clause Guide for Unclassified Information System Security Systems and Services, a Mandatory Reference for ADS 545, 302, and 303
First Issued:02/28/2003
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This Mandatory Reference is a collaborative document produced by the Office of Information Resource Management (M/IRM) and the Office of Procurement (M/OP). It provides guidance on including ISS requirements in the acquisition of information systems and services.

This Guide is designed to support Agency procurement initiators, Contracting Officers (COs), Cognizant Technical Officers (CTOs), designated Information System Security Officers (ISSOs), and other procurement officials and their staff.

Series 400: Personnel
Descriptions of Incentive Awards
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The Business Transformation Executive Committee (BTEC) recently approved a recommendation to raise the maximum OTS award amount from $300 to $500. This new, higher award limit is effective in FY 2003 and applies to OTS Awards Programs for both U.S. direct hires and Foreign Service Nationals.

An employee may receive one or more OTS awards not to exceed $500 from his/her employing Bureau or Independent Office in any fiscal year but is eligible to receive additional OTS awards of up to $500 from USAID organizations outside of the employee's employing Bureau or Independent Office.

While an individual may nominate an employee in another Bureau/Office for an OTS award, the intended award recipient's immediate supervisor will be required to clear the OTS award nomination. Unless otherwise negotiated, the nominating office will bear the cost of funding the OTS award.

The OTS program for the current fiscal year will be announced later this month after budget allocations have been worked out. Budget allocations will be determined based on each organization's U.S. direct hire on-board end-of-year ceiling. Individual missions are responsible for implementing and funding OTS awards for FSN direct hires and FSN personal services contractors.

These changes to the On-the-Spot Awards Program have been incorporated in ADS 491 in the Mandatory Reference, Description of Incentive Awards, a copy of which is attached to this Notice (see pages 32-33).

Series 500: Management Services
Contract Clause Guide for Unclassified Information System Security Systems and Services, a Mandatory Reference for ADS 545, 302, and 303
First Issued:02/28/2003
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This Mandatory Reference is a collaborative document produced by the Office of Information Resource Management (M/IRM) and the Office of Procurement (M/OP). It provides guidance on including ISS requirements in the acquisition of information systems and services.

This Guide is designed to support Agency procurement initiators, Contracting Officers (COs), Cognizant Technical Officers (CTOs), designated Information System Security Officers (ISSOs), and other procurement officials and their staff.

Series 500: Interim Update 03-04: Bureau for Management Customer Service Standards
New Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

On February 12, 2003, the Business Transformation Executive Committee (BTEC) endorsed customer service standards for the Management Bureau. The standards represent Phase I of a multi-phase effort that will result in customer service standards for all Bureaus and Independent offices. This transformation initiative addresses one of Administrator Natsios' management reform principles of establishing a customer service culture in our service organizations to better support program delivery.

The Management Bureau is developing a performance measurement tracking system to monitor the implementation success rate of these standards. The Customer Service Standards will also be incorporated into the Annual Evaluation Forms for the staff.

The Customer Service Standards booklet is a "living" document and is subject to revisions as needed. The BTEC plans to review these standards in June 2003 to assess compliance with the performance measures and to make any appropriate adjustments. The booklet is provided as an attachment to this notice. The document will eventually be incorporated in the Automated Directives System as a mandatory reference.

Questions about this web page or the ADS? Please contact us by using our Questions/Comments form page or send an e-mail to ads@usaid.gov.

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This document was last updated on Friday, 04-Apr-2003 13:15:21 EST
