
Forming productive partnerships is central to AED's work. Be they with schools, communities, NGOs or corporations, these partnerships are essential to solving critical social problems in the United States and other countries.

Partnership-with-quote"Our sponsors are now more comfortable because their support is part of a larger vision."
–Lorena Zamora, Chair, Education Committee, American Chamber of Commerce of Nicaragua

These collaborations may include:

  • Advocacy
  • Building Markets for Health Products
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Policy Advice
  • Program Design and Implementation
  • Stakeholder Development and Coordination

For more information on corporate partnerships or cause marketing programs, contact:

Peter B. Johnson
Senior Vice President
Global Resource Development and Cause Marketing
Tel. 212-367-4593

For more information about public-private partnerships, contact:

Vivian Lowery Derryck
Senior Vice President
Public-Private Partnerships
Tel. 202-884-8658

For more information on corporate partnerships in health, contact:

David McGuire
Vice President
Center for Private Sector Health Initiatives
Tel: 202-884-8506


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EQUIP2 combines technical research and leadership activities with "buy-in" associate awards from USAID missions and bureaus.
The Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) supports integrated food security and nutrition programming to improve the health and well being of women and children.
Twelve years after its inception, GreenCOM has implemented activities in more than 30 countries, working with men and women, children and adults, in the public and private sectors.

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