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Marine Debris

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Tons of marine debris floats on the ocean surface, posing a threat to shipping and putting marine life, including the endangered monk seal, at risk. Diverting these wastes to H-POWER, Oahu’s garbage-to-electricity plant, provides electricity and protects the environment.

The literature is reviewed to reflect the vastness of the marine debris problem and demonstrate that there are very few hard numbers published to quantify the problem or the cost of potential solutions.

The paper suggests an incentive price for retrieved ghost net and proposes that the cost of ghost net disposal can be reduced by providing facilities on ports for recycling companies to pick up other fishing boat detritus such as used oil and metal. The paper is intended to serve as a base for scientists and fishing organizations to build on the hypothesis and offer refinements to the proposed solution.

Presentation includes pictures of derelict fishing gear; harvested netting; transportation to recycling baseyard; specialized cutting equipment; transformation into fuel; and production of a TV documentary.

Detailed description of the program, participants, setbacks, and achievements.

Last modified 06-10-2007 04:59 PM