Privacy Policy

The AED Web site is designed to provide you with information about AED’s programs to improve the lives of disadvantaged people in the United States and developing countries around the world.

We also offer you the opportunity to sign up for updates about our work and to support our efforts with donations.

Credit Card Security
AED greatly appreciates donations, and we want to assure you that the information you give when making an online donation remains secure.

We use it only for that particular transaction and do not store it. Domain name AED's Web server recognizes, but does not collect or use your domain name (IP address). While your visit is tracked—anonymously—in order to compile statistical information about the use of our Web site, we do not collect individual information about you or your use of this site.

AED only uses cookies to see if you are a return visitor. No other information is collected. Email addresses If you communicate with us online or make an online donation, we collect your email address, and we may send you occasional email updates on our programs.

Email links are provided to allow you to contact us directly with questions or comments. Your comments may be used to improve our site or programs. AED’s Web site does not automatically recognize your email address.

Personal Information
It is your choice to provide personal information on the AED Web site. We ask for personal information on our "Donate Online" page. We use this information to acknowledge receipt of your donation for tax purposes.

In addition, your name and other information will be placed on our mailing list. If you do not want your personal information to go on our mailing list, uncheck the box at the end of the section.

If you wish to make a donation in honor of or in memory of someone, we will not use the information you give us on that individual for any other purposes.

We will not make email addresses, postal addresses and telephone numbers available to other nonprofit or commercial organizations.

This site gives you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving additional information from us. If you do not want to receive additional information, please uncheck the boxes at the point at which we request that information. (e.g. the Donate Online page)

Your privacy is very important to us. If you feel that your privacy has been violated or that AED has misused your information in any way, please contact the AED at

Giving Options
How Your Organization Can Help
Donate by Mail
Donate Online Now

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