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Genetic Analysis of Pacific Salmonids in the Northeast Pacific and the Russian Far East

This U.S./Russian collaboration will investigate genetics and life histories of Kamchatka Peninsula rainbow trout and steelhead (O. mykiss), and Dolly Varden, white-spotted, and arctic char (S. malma, S. leucomaensis, and S. alpinus, respectively). Both anadromous and resident forms of these generally occur in Kamchatka rivers that are free from More...

  • Shown are an adult Siberian white spotted char, or kundza (Salvelinus leucomaensis, top), and a pre-

Sea otter population status and changes in Alaska

A web page to introduce research by the USGS Alaska Science Center on sea otter population status and changes in Alaska. Provides some background on why the research is needed, research objectives, and a listing of publications by project staff.

  • full body view of sea otter under water