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MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Versioning

MISR Level 2 Top of Atmosphere/Cloud Stereo Product

Processing Status

ESDT Product File Name Prefix Current Quality Designations
  • Stage 2 Validated: Winds, Stereo Heights, SDCM (over ocean), RLRA
  • Stage 1 Validated: SDCM (over land)
MISR maturity level definitions | Quality Summary

Ver. # Production
Start Date
Product Updates Quality Transition
06/01/2007 Data Product Specification Rev P.

No algorithm changes. This version marks the beginning of FIRSTLOOK vs. FINAL processing

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TASC_<month>__<year>_F02_03.hdf
F08_0016 08/01/2006 Data Product Specification Rev O.

Small improvement to wind-qa: adding tests for differences in east-west wind component, height, and direction.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F06_0013.txt
  • Stage 2 Validated:
F08_0015 02/21/2006 Data Product Specification Rev N.

Implemented new wind retrieval algorithm for sub-pixel resolution and included new WindQA based on fwd-aft wind differences.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F05_0012.txt
  • MISR_AM1_PGE8A_PCS_CONFIG_F01_0008.txt
F08_0014 12/01/2005 Version F08_0014 contains errors in the wind and height retrievals. See Quality Statement for details.
Use with caution!
F07_0013 05/13/2005 Data Product Specification Rev M.

Turned on Da back on for the wind retrievals, with slight quality improvement.

F07_0012 11/28/2004 Data Product Specification Rev L.

Small bug fix to avoid occasional crash. No change to science results.

F07_0011 2/04/2004 Data Product Specification Rev K.

Wind Quality Flags improved. RCCM as generated by the stereo product is now fully populated.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F04_0011.txt
  • Stage 2 Validated: Heights
  • Stage 1 Validated: Winds, SDCM (land)
F07_0010 12/08/2003

Version F07_0010 was removed from the archive because it contained radiometric errors.
Do not use!

F06_0009 08/13/2003 Data Product Specification Rev J.

Block Center Times for AN camera added to product.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F04_0010.txt
F05_0008 11/12/2002 Data Product Specification Rev G.

Wind Quality Flags implemented. Height fields now split up into "BestWinds", "WithoutWinds" and "RawWinds" versions. Use of Da camera turned off for wind retrievals. Level 1 Orbit-QA flag is now used.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F03_0008.txt
  • Stage 1 Validated: Stereo Heights, RLRA, SDCM (ice-free ocean)
F04_0007 04/15/2002 Data Product Specification Rev E.

CloudMotionSource field updated to provide correct information as to the source of each individual wind vector. The individual camera id's used for the height retrieval are restored. Disabled use of RCCM in a pre-screen for the misregistration retrievals for the time being.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F02_0007.txt
  • Provisional: Stereo Heights
F03_0006 09/27/2001 Data Product Specification Rev D.

A new field called Preliminary SDCM was added to the product. The SDCM algorithm was updated to begin using the RCCM, but only over ocean.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F02_0006.txt
F02_0005 03/30/2001

HDF file access efficiency updates. Fixed bug introduced in Patch 1 in which ~5% of domains contained unusable cloud height data. Manage occurrences of large, anomalous values in the 4 stereo domain parameters for CrossMisregistrationError. Correction of Look vector discontinuity logic. Correction of optimizer errors. Correction of histogram peak wind speed value. Correction of wind speed histogram which was not reported properly.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_TC_ST_SCI_CONFIG_F02_0005.txt

Initial baseline for Level 2 TC Stereo public release. Add trap singular matrix condition. Add test for invalid look vectors. Use different metadata to test for validity of time tags. Fix incorrectly addressed array. Introduced bug in which ~5% of domains contain unusable cloud height data.

Baseline ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_INFLTCAL_T006_F02_0001.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_CONFIG_F02_0002.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_PRFLTCAL_F02_0004.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_PRFLTCHAR_F02_0002.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_AGP_Pxxx_F01_24.hdf
  • Beta: all parameters

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