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Fires resulting from cooking continue to be the most common type of fire experienced by U.S. households. This is true for fires reported to fire departments and those handled by private individuals. Cooking fires are also the leading cause of home fire injuries. As a result, the U.S. Fire Administration has partnered with the National Fire Protection Association to research the types of behaviors and sequences of events that lead to cooking fires and develop sound recommendations for behavioral mitigation strategies that will reduce such fires and their resultant injuries and fatalities.
This study of the causes of cooking fires and cooking injuries and the effectiveness of strategies to prevent them also considers as part of its scope cooking burns of all types from all types of products involved in preparing and serving food or drink. Although many cooking injuries result from knives or broken glass and many people are made ill by improperly handled food, these other issues are beyond the scope of this project.
Findings from the project include:
Short, educational messages developed based on the research findings of this project for safe home cooking to avoid fires and other burns.
The purpose of this presentation is to convince adults to cook safely by providing information about the cooking fire problem and eight steps that can be taken to prevent cooking fires. The presentation is designed for adult and senior adult audiences. In addition, it may be used for younger adults such as teenagers who have cooking responsibilities in their family.