U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


Report to LOWG, 2005

Report to L.O.W.G. Link to larger image.

Karen J. Spence

Library Operations Working Group (LOWG)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
October 2005

Administrative News. Link to larger image.

Slide 2: Administrative News


Slide 3: OSTI Becomes Law

OSTI Becomes Law.  Link to larger image.
  • New law identifies OSTI as DOE entity to carry out STI program
  • President signed Energy Policy Act of 2005 (H.R. 6) 8/8/05

Energy Policy Act Language

The Secretary, through the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, shall maintain within the Department publicly available collections of scientific and technical information resulting from research, development, demonstration, and commercial applications activities supported by the Department.

OSTI is a component of the DOE Office of Science.  Link to larger image.

Slide 4: OSTI is a component of the DOE Office of Science.



OSTI Leadership and Staff.  Link to larger image.

Slide 5: OSTI Leadership and Staff



Budget and Staffing Over Time. Link to larger image.

Slide 6: Budget and Staffing Over Time


Slide 7: Strategic Initiative for Scientific Knowledge & Advancement

Strategic Initiative for Scientific Knowledge & Advancement. Link to larger image.

Areas of active innovations include:

  • Federation of distributed collections with simultaneous, ranked, full text search.
  • Modeling scientific exchange in the research process
  • Grid-based and other distributed computer processing techniques to support federation of collections
  • Integration of numeric data and text
  • Expanding digital access to legacy documents
Global Discovery. Link to larger image.

Slide 8: Global Discovery.

Collaborative search, enhancing knowledge, advancing science

The return on investment in science depends on the diffusion of scientific knowledge. The opportunity exists to build a global community, to massively speed up and expand the diffusion of knowledge.

Innovations in Scientific Knowledge and Advancement (ISKA). Link to larger image.

Slide 9: Innovations in Scientific Knowledge and Advancement (ISKA)

Enhancing Knowledge Diffusion


Recognition for DOE R&D. Link to larger image.

Slide 10: Recognition for DOE R&D

Online search tools hold six slots in TOP 100 Science/Technology Government Information Web Sites by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

OSTI Adds RSS Feed. Link to larger image.

Slide 11: OSTI Adds RSS Feed

  • RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) allows users to stay up-to-date on headlines, news, events, blog entries or other content that frequently changes
  • OSTI launched an RSS feed in August
  • Provides Web patrons a new means for gathering information about OSTI's products and services
  • RSS employs an XML-based structure, includes title, date, brief description, and link to full text of content

Press Acknowledgment Summary. Link to larger image.

Slide 12: Press Acknowledgment Summary

  • Over 50 press hits during FY05
  • Include articles in newspapers, online magazines, university newsletters and Web logs

Partnerships. Link to larger image.

Slide 13: Partnerships


Slide 14: OSTI Meets Goals through a Wide Range of Information Focused Partnerships

OSTI Meets Goals through a Wide Range of Information Focused Partnerships. Link to larger image.
  • STIP — DOE-wide collaboration
  • International — ETDEWEB
  • Science.gov — Multi-agency alliance
  • CENDI — Cross-agency cooperation
  • GPO — Partner in access
  • Google, Yahoo, MSN — Access for commercial search engines
  • NSDL — Increasing access to OAI patrons
  • CrossRef — DOI opportunities
  • NTIS — Commercial Outlet
  • OCLC — Library Connections
DOE has largest share of Federal STI in Science.gov. Link to larger image.

Slide 15: DOE has largest share of Federal STI in Science.gov*

  • Department of Energy (DOE): 22%
  • Department of Agriculture (USDA): 15%
  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): 13%
  • Department of the Interior (DOI): 12%
  • Department of Commerce (DOC): 10%
  • National Science Foundation (NSF): 8%
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): 7%
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): 6%
  • Department of Defense (DoD): 4%
  • Government Printing Office (GPO): 2%
  • Department of Education (ED): 1%

*Based on number of URLs in Web site catalogue

Note: DOE also contributes over 21 percent of the 50 million pages in Science.gov search

In Pursuit of Fugitive Documents. Link to larger image.

Slide 16: In Pursuit of Fugitive Documents

  • GPO continues to emphasize the "fugitive document" problem, which has been exacerbated by electronic publishing and the web
  • DOE has a long history of making scientific and technical information (STI) available to the FDLP program
  • New efforts are being focused on identifying other materials not traditionally included in our STI databases, but which may be relevant to the FDLP program

Slide 17: DOE Fugitive Document Project Content Guidelines. Link to larger image.

Slide 17: DOE Fugitive Document Project Content Guidelines

  • Item must be DOE sponsored or authored by DOE or DOE contractor personnel
  • Item must be publicly available (unclassified/unlimited)
  • Item must report on energy or an energy related subject (consistent with DOE's R&D mission)
  • Item must be located on a DOE organization website, (e.g., program office, national laboratory, etc.)

Slide 18: DOE Fugitive Document Project Content Guidelines (Cont.). Link to larger image.

Slide 18: DOE Fugitive Document Project Content Guidelines (Cont.)

  • Item must have a title and a link to full text
  • Item should not be one that OSTI already has full text for in its collection
  • Item should not be one that OSTI has a URL for as a part of its collection
  • Item must be in a form and format that is technologically manageable by OSTI's current hardware/software configuration without inordinate level of effort or resource requirements

Slide 19: DOE Fugitive Document Project Metadata. Link to larger image.

Slide 19: DOE Fugitive Document Project Metadata

  • Required Metadata
    - Title
    - URL to full text
  • Metadata Obtained When Readily Available
    - Author
    - Report number
    - DOE contract number
    - Originating research organization
    - Publication date
    - Language
    - Country of publication code
    - Sponsoring organization
  • Assigned Metadata
    - Unique Identifier Number
    - Size (full text document)

DOE Fugitive Document Project Conceptual Approach. Link to larger image.

Slide 20: DOE Fugitive Document Project Conceptual Approach



Product/Service Update. Link to larger image.

Slide 21: Product/Service Update



Usage Increases. Link to larger image.

Slide 22: Usage Increases

Use of OSTI resources measurably increases based on patron transactions

In recent years, OSTI has increased information accessibility online, thus greatly increasing the number of citizens and scientists who avail themselves of DOE R&D research results

Slide 23: Costs Decrease

Costs Decrease. Link to larger image.

Efficiency and Effectiveness: By streamlining data requirements and using innovative technologies, costs and time have been reduced for the R&D tracking and deliverables reporting system.

Pre-Web Cost per customer transaction (1995): $43.14
Cost per customer transaction via Online systems: $0.29

OSTI has reduced costs while increasing accessibility.

OSTI cited as the third most-visited DOE Web site. Link to larger image.

Slide 24: OSTI cited as the third most-visited DOE Web site

Source: Alexa.com, March 2005


Slide 25: Statistics show broad use of OSTI's Web information tools

  Statistics show broad use of OSTI's Web information tools. Link to larger image.

Who uses OSTI's information Web tools? Scientists, researchers, teachers, students, managers, citizens, government agencies, businesses . . .

  • Business: 14%
  • Government: 15%
  • Education: 6%
  • International: 22%
  • Internet Providers: 14%
  • Unidentified: 29%

 A Wealth of Research Material. Link to larger image.

Slide 26: A Wealth of Research Material

Office of Scientific and Technical Information


DOE Information Bridge:  An Old Friend Gets New Life! Link to larger image.

Slide 27: DOE Information Bridge: An Old Friend Gets New Life!

  • Released April 1998
  • Over 110,000 searchable full-text reports and bibliographic citations
  • Over 7 million searchable pages
  • From 1994 forward
  • Topics include physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy

Legacy Additions. Link to larger image.

Slide 28: Legacy Additions

  • 20,000 from FY1994 were added June 2005
  • 30,000 from FY1993 to be added by end of December 2006
  • 30,000 from FY1992 to be added by end of January 2006

Plus ad hoc titles on an ongoing basis

Slide 29: Information Bridge

 Information Bridge. Link to larger image.



 The New Look!. Link to larger image.

Slide 30: The New Look!



 Fielded Searching!. Link to larger image.

Slide 31: Fielded Searching!



 Author Searching!. Link to larger image.

Slide 32: Author Searching!



 Thesaurus Tool!. Link to larger image.

Slide 33: Thesaurus Tool!



 Thesaurus Tool! (Cont.). Link to larger image.

Slide 34: Thesaurus Tool! (Cont.)



 Alerts!. Link to larger image.

Slide 35: Alerts!



 Science Research Connection. Link to larger image.

Slide 36: Science Research Connection (SRC)


SRC draws together, in a single place, scientific and technical information previously contained in the DOE Information Bridge (IB), the DOE Energy Citations Database (ECD), as well as additional STI available to the DOE community.

SRC provides users access to over 6 million bibliographic citations and over 145,000 full-text documents spanning more than 6 decades of DOE research

 Science Research Connection. Link to larger image.

Slide 37: Science Research Connection

Released in April 2005 and built exclusively for DOE and DOE Contractors, this Web-based product is intended for scientists and information specialists as a way to enhance their research on behalf of DOE.

Special Features Include:

  • Search Result Manipulation
  • Save Search Capability
  • Alert Services
  • Shopping cart
  • Field Sorting
  • Downloadable Bibliographic Data to EndNote

Basic Search and Sophisticated Search Options Are Available Including:

  • Wild Card
  • Proximity
  • Full Text
  • Author
  • Taxonomy

SRC Search Results. Link to larger image.

Slide 38: SRC Search Results



Science Conferences. Link to larger image.

Slide 39: Science Conferences

The OSTI Science Conferences portal was devised to expedite access to conference papers and proceedings in various fields of science and technology. Emphasis is on U.S. conferences hosted and/or published by scientific and professional organizations whose areas of focus relate substantially to the Department of Energy's mission.

This portal provides the capability to search for conference information on multiple web sites and databases with a single query utilizing a combination of surface web and deep web tools (specifically Distributed Explorit from Deep Web Technologies) that can reach where ordinary search engines cannot.

Science Conferences (Cont.). Link to larger image.

Slide 40: Science Conferences (Cont.)



Science Conferences, Ranked Results. Link to larger image.

Slide 41: Science Conferences, Ranked Results



Science Conferences, Ranked results for: solar. Link to larger image.

Slide 42: Science Conferences, Ranked results for: solar



FY06 Activities. Link to larger image.

Slide 43: FY06 Activities



Planned FY-06 Activities. Link to larger image.

Slide 44: Planned FY-06 Activities

  • SRC Version 2
  • Patents Database
  • Science Links
  • Enterprise SecureNet Project
  • Implementation of A-76
  • E-Government Act Requirements
  • Diskless Transition in LSA