U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


Global Search and Distributed Repositories: Science.World

Introduction. Link to larger image.

Walter Warnick, Director

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) [exit federal site] Public Conference:


Lister Hill Center Auditorium at the National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, Maryland
7–8 June 2006 (Slide 1)

Accelerating science knowledge diffusion 
accelerates science progress. Link to larger image.

Slide 2: Accelerating science knowledge diffusion accelerates science progress

Slide 3: Science depends on the diffusion of knowledge

Science depends on the diffusion 
of knowledge.  Link to larger image.

Isaac Newton expressed this thought most eloquently in 1676, when he wrote:

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

Sequential diffusion is too slow!  Link to larger image.

Slide 4: Sequential diffusion is too slow!

"The calculus of innovation is really quite simple:

  • Knowledge drives innovation;
  • Innovation drives productivity;
  • Productivity drives our economic growth.

That's all there is to it."

– William R. Brody
President, The Johns Hopkins University
Member, Council on Competitiveness
U.S. Competitiveness: The Innovation Challenge
Testimony to the House Committee on Science
July 21, 2005

Often the knowledge scientists need resides in distant communities.  Link to larger image.

Slide 5: Often the knowledge scientists need resides in distant communities

  • Acoustics
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Astrodynamics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Cosmology
  • Cryogenics
  • Cybernetics
  • Geology
  • Genomics
  • Immunology
  • Limnology
  • Materials Science
  • Meteorology
  • Nanoscience
  • Oceanography
  • Plasma Physics
  • Radiology
  • Seismology
  • Spectroscopy
  • Stereochemistry
The Deep Web Is HUGE! Link to larger image.

Slide 6: The Deep Web Is HUGE!

  • 99% of scientific documents in databases in Deep Web
  • Deep Web is not accessible to search engines and robots
Challenge: Metasearch has scaling issues

Slide 7: Got documents? Need discovery?

Got documents? Need discovery?   Link to larger image.




No time for

Slide 8: No time for "door-to-door" searching



Current early models for global discovery.
 Link to larger image.

Slide 9: Current early models for global discovery

  1. Science.gov

  2. E-print Network

  3. Science Conferences

Deep Web. Link to larger image.

Slide 10: Deep Web

Current models include only a few international sources

Only small parts of the deep Web are metasearchable

Energy Technology Data Exchange.  Link to larger image.

Slide 11: Energy Technology Data Exchange



Current ETDE Member Countries. Link to larger image.

Slide 12: Current ETDE Member Countries

  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Korea, Republic of
  • Mexico
  • The Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

ETDE's Distributed Searching Strategy. Link to larger image.

Slide 13: ETDE's Distributed Searching Strategy

ETDE's Distributed Searching Strategy

  • ETDEWEB's new distributed search feature makes R&D information from 39 databases and more than 1,800 Websites available with one search
  • Science.gov
  • Science Conferences

Example of International Federated Searching. Link to larger image.

Slide 14: Example of International Federated Searching



Distributed Search Results. Link to larger image.

Slide 15: "Distributed Search Results"



Distributed Search Results (cont.). Link to larger image.

Slide 16: Distributed Search Results (cont.)



Distributed Search Results, Documents from ETDEWEB. Link to larger image.

Slide 17: "Distributed Search Results, Documents from ETDEWEB"



Distributed Search Results, Documents from CORDIS Information Service and IEA Energy Information Centre. Link to larger image.

Slide 18: Distributed Search Results, Documents from CORDIS Information Service and IEA Energy Information Centre



Distributed Search Results, Documents from the Science.gov Web site. Link to larger image.

Slide 19: "Distributed Search Results, Documents from the Science.gov Web site"



Distributed Search Results, Documents from Nordic Energy Index and the Danish Energy R&D Projects. Link to larger image.

Slide 20: Distributed Search Results, Documents from Nordic Energy Index and the Danish Energy R&D Projects


Overcoming Challenges. Link to larger image.

Slide 21: Overcoming Challenges

  • Scalability
  • Different languages
  • Ongoing viability of the deep Web resources themselves (managing the perception that Science.world eliminates the need to maintain individual deep Web databases)
  • Including "user authenticated" systems (which, in many cases, are some of the best)

Conclusion. Link to larger image.

Slide 22: Conclusion

The U.S. Department of Energy is a willing collaborator in pursuing the vision of Science.world.

We welcome other interested parties to begin a dialogue and a plan of action for making this vision a reality.
