November 2000

Office of Scientific and Technical Information
in a Period of Profound and Rapid Change




Future (FY00-02)

Information Management
  • Report Literature
Sources (from which OSTI collects or links report literature) Labs, 7,000 research organizations, foreign countries, other agencies Same Same
Media (form in which report literature is acquired from sources) Unclassified: Paper
Classified: Paper
Unclassified: Internet linked, floppy disks, paper
Classified: Paper

See DOE Information Bridge

Unclassified: Internet linked
Classified: Internet (encrypted), paper (electronic or disks)
  • Journal Literature
Sources (from which OSTI collects or links journal literature) Abstracting and indexing contractors for domestic journals; barter for bibliographic records from foreign journals Phasing out abstracting and indexing contractors; continue receipt of foreign journal records Cooperative arrangements with journal publishers; continue receipt of foreign journal records
Method of coverage Bibliographic record with abstract and index words - no full text Bibliographic record with abstract and index words; limited availability of electronic full text journals to DOE headquarters Bibliographic record with abstract and index words; electronic hyperlinks to full text journals available to sites with licenses
Comprehensiveness of journal coverage Full coverage of all domestic energy-related science journals with quid pro quo coverage of foreign journals by international partners Reduced coverage (~ 50% due to budget constraints) of domestic journals; continue receipts for foreign journals


Full coverage through cooperative arrangements with journal publishers; continue receipts for foreign journals
  • PrePRINT Literature
Sources (from which OSTI collects or links PrePrint literature)   Links to preprint servers at national labs, academic institutions, research organizations, and other sources. Same
Media (form in which PrePrint literature is acquired from sources   Preprints maintained at originating sites in formats such as PDF, Ghostscript, HTML, and other formats. Dependent on site owners and emerging technologies.
Comprehensiveness of PrePrint coverage   Varies with specific site.  Most are late 1990's through present.

See PrePRINT Network

May vary with specific site.  Some servers retain all; others remove after set timeframe.
  • Other Literature
Other federal agencies' R&D, foreign non-published Same Same
  • Processing Literature
Method for indexing and abstracting report literature Manual abstracting and indexing    
Time to process and announce reports 6 weeks 12 weeks during transition 2 days
Disseminating Information
Customers (audiences to whom information is disseminated) Information intermediaries (librarians, NTIS, Dialog, GPO Depository Libraries) Researchers, public, intermediaries Researchers, public, intermediaries
Outgoing media (form in which OSTI disseminates information) Full text: paper, microfiche
Bibliographic: on-line database (fee-based), magnetic tapes
Full text: Scanned images, paper, electronic or linked
Bibliographic: Html, on-line database
Full text and Bibliographic: Native formats or conversion, as necessary
Electronic information formats (e.g., bibliographic, full text, etc.) No electronic full text; bibliographic database Bibliographic and full text, with links to journals and other sources and sites' information (Energy Science and Technology Database, Information Bridge, and electronic subject-specific announcement publications)  
Journal literature (DOE and other energy-related R&D literature) Electronic and paper abstracts, no links to journal articles Electronic abstracts with hyperlinks to electronic journals DOE-wide  
Number of direct customers served with full-text 4,500 per year More than 100,000  
Preserving Information
Information repository/archive (media in which 50-year information collection is preserved) Centralized repository of paper, microfiche Decentralized repositories, microfiche, digital (magnetic disk)  
Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) Command and control (143-page Orders) Department-wide collaboration (4-page Order), increased partnerships, linking information sources  
Size 170 feds, 150 contractors 83 feds, 45 contractors 87 feds, 40 contractors
Unit cost (cost per customer served) high medium low
Budget $16 million $8.6 million $9.3 million
(more needed for National Library of Energy Science and Technology)
Technology (used to collect, process, and disseminate information) VAX cluster, central processing, dial-up access, VT terminals NT servers, Sun Systems, Internet connections, Oracle database management, machine-aided indexing and hyperlinking  

OSTI | Speeches and Papers