April 1999

Spring Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Conference

Federal Agency Update Session

Department of Energy

"DOE Information Bridge: One Year Later"

Don Altom, Project Manager, DOE Information Bridge

Kathy Chambers, Product Manager, DOE Information Bridge



GPO/DOE relationship to provide public access to DOE report literature - microfiche

GPO/DOE Interagency Agreement in December 1997 to provide Web access to full text DOE report literature from January 1996

   Leverage existing DOE system

   Access through GPO Access System

Incorporated GPO requirements

   Eliminate passwords

   Provide PDF full text for download to user desktop

"Roll out" in April 1998 with Web access to 23,422 bibliographic and full text DOE reports



Increased full text information collection by 50%; 35,006 bibliographic and full text records available on 12 April 1999


   Document downloads - performance measure

   55,942 downloads through 10 April 1999 by all user communities: depository libraries, US and        international publics, DOE, other government agencies, etc.

Recent Enhancements

Customer driven

Option to download full text in native formats

   PDF, Word, WordPerfect, SGML, HTML, XML, Postscript, TIFFG4

Links to full text posted at remote sites scattered throughout the DOE Complex

   ASCII-based formats


Future Directions

Customer driven

Convert to Oracle/UNIX environment

New functionality

   Date range searching

   Search downloaded PDF documents

Legacy data

   Assessment pending; determine interest in Web access to full text prior to January 1996

   Encourage participation


DOE Information Management Quality Award for Technical Excellence in October 1998

Hammer Award presented by National Partnership for Reinventing Government in February 1999


GPO/DOE partnership continuing success story
