Workshop report now available -

A Future Information Infrastructure For The Physical Sciences: 
Partner And User Considerations  

RL Scott, Director For Project And Program Development, U.S. Department Of Energy, 
Office Of Scientific And Technical Information (OSTI)  

May 30, 2000

I.                   Introduction

Dr Warnick has articulated a vision for an Information Infrastructure for the Physical Sciences that have been widely discussed for many years. 

Only recently, however, have the tools and resources been integrated sufficiently to approach that vision.

My presentation will provide an overview of a number of the sectors and some of the issues that merit consideration in our discussions.  

Setting the Stage    Publishing Industry  
Library Tradition   The Public
Users OSTI’s Experience  
Education   Art of the Possible  
Business and Industry   Summary  

II.  Setting the Stage  

There always must be a beginning. 

T   There have been many information revolutions since the dawn of time; the one most often referenced is the printing of the Gutenberg Bible in the 15th century (1455).1  

This achievement provided a solution to improve the dissemination of information, but the dissemination and use of the technology lagged behind. Fifty years after the printing of the famous Bible, only 200 presses using that technology could be found on the European continent.2

It was two centuries later, in the 17th century, that the first scientific journal – (Journal des Savan(t)s) - was published in Paris (January 1665). The journal contained "details of experiments in physics, chemistry, and other scientific discoveries."3

However, Mendel’s (1822-1884) breakthrough work in genetics in the mid 19th century was lost to a generation because the right people didn’t get the right information.4   

The need for an effective means to share and communicate STI has been around for a long time – and I believe we are on the verge of a solution to meet that need. 

One hundred and fifty years later, the 1990’s represented the beginning of a new revolution in information communication -- one that feels like it is proceeding at an exponential rate.  

The level of information literacy among the population is at an all-time high. It has been reported that 47% of all American households are connected to the Web.5  This level of information accessibility has raised not only the awareness of the users but their expectations as well.






Digital Initiatives

• NSF – Digital libraries Initiative  
• NASA Technical Report Server  
• California Digital Library  
• University of Maryland, Digital Library Research Group
• Sun Site  
• Chesapeake Information & Research Library Alliance – Electronic Science Library  
• Association of Research Libraries – Digital Initiatives Database  
• University of Illinois at Urbana – Champlain -- 
NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative

There are a number of initiatives underway designed to address the need for more comprehensive and fluid access to scientific and technical information.  

I have listed a few of them.  I am certain that you individually could add significantly to this list.  

The process that we are undertaking today and tomorrow is reflective of our recognition of the great opportunities to accelerate scientific communication and the scientific process.  

The opportunity exists to create a more comprehensive infrastructure for the physical sciences, providing access to information and the tools for research never before considered in the history of scientific inquiry.   

The potential exists to create a new scientific awakening that encompasses scientists and engineers, educators and students, consumers and the public.  

The bottom line is this -- much is going on in perhaps a less than integrated fashion. I ask you only to consider the inherent opportunities.  

III.       Library Tradition





  Library Tradition  

National Library of Medicine, 1836 (Legislated 1956)  
• National Agricultural Library, 1862 (Legislated 1962)  
• National Library of Education, 1994  
• National Transportation Library, 1998       

Most of us have grown-up in the library tradition. Libraries have traditionally been viewed as the font of information.

The earliest supposed library dates back to the first half of the 3rd millennium BC.6  There is much to be learned from a concept with such longevity about information use and users that is applicable to the electronic information world we find ourselves in.

It is interesting to note that 50% of the National Libraries within the Executive Branch were created after 1993 as electronic access to information was coming into its own.  I could suggest that the current electronic information revolution has made their creation possible.  

The National Library of Medicine and the National Agricultural Library provide the greatest opportunity to examine how traditional library institutions created prior to 20th century are transitioning into the electronic era.  

Kent Smith, of NLM, whose talk follows mine, will provide some detail regarding this evolution/revolution.  

The key to a successful library in this day and age from my point of view is:  

§         The ability to understand the needs of the user,  

§         Being visionary regarding future user expectations,  

§         Support intra and extramural R&D to improve the tools for access, delivery and use.  

I think that there are “lessons of success” from library institutions such as the National Library of Medicine that are applicable to the information infrastructure we are discussing.    

IV.       Audience/Users














As we consider the aspects of an Information Infrastructure for the Physical Sciences we must consider who uses this information. 

As of 1996 there were over 3 million scientist and engineer jobs in the U.S.  It is projected that this number will grow to 4.4 million by 2006, which is a 44% increase.7   

As science becomes increasingly interdisciplinary in nature, this large contingent of scientists, engineers and others will require access to a comprehensive, useable body of information related to the physical sciences.  

Though our primary user focus is scientists and engineers, one trap we find ourselves falling into is that we think ONLY of scientists and engineers.  

I collected some usage statistics on a few of our scientific and technical information (STI) tools. Though the results are not as discrete as one would like, I felt that the representation of domains at a high level show the broad demand for STI from all quarters.  

I think it is reasonable to say that usage patterns are surprising in the number of .com .edu and .net users.  

Of the approximately 2 million searches the distribution of major domains is as follows:

§        .net       9% 
.mil       1%  
.gov      13%  
.edu      15%  
.com     17%  
international      19%  
other    26%   (Other includes unknown, old style ARPANET, and non-profit organizations)  

The population of users maybe larger and more diverse than we have traditionally considered, as a result of the information technology we are using today.   

I think it is reasonable for us to consider to what extent we are missing opportunities to increase and promote an interdisciplinary view of science.

  V.                 Education





Science And Math General Knowledge Achievement

Grade 12 -- 1998  

Science  Math  
Sweden 559     Netherlands   560  
Netherlands     558  Sweden 552  
Iceland 549   Denmark  547  
Norway   544 Switzerland  540  
Canada     532    Iceland 534  
New Zealand  529   Norway 528  
Australia  527    France   523  
Switzerland  523   New Zealand   522  
Austria     520   Australia   522  
Slovenia 517   Canada 519  
Denmark   509    Austria   518  
Germany  497  Slovenia   512  
France   487   Germany 495  
Czech Republic  487  Hungary 483  
Russian Federation 481   Italy    476  
United States   480   Russian Federation 471  
Italy     475   Lithuania  469  
Hungary 471  Czech Republic   466  
Lithuania 461 United States   461  

National Center for Education Statistics, 1998

Education represents our seed corn for a prosperous and secure future.  

Our future scientists and engineers are being trained today. 

In the global economy of the 21st century, educators must have the information they need to optimize their performance in both the classroom and the laboratory.   

It is apparent from the slide that U.S. science and math achievement for grade 12 students fall substantially below what we would expect.  In science we rank 16th , with a score of 480 and in math we rank 19th, with a score of 461, significantly below the world average of 500.8  

Of the million first degrees in science and engineering awarded worldwide, 200,000 were awarded in the U.S.  Data from 1997 shows 5,500 Masters degrees and 4,500 Doctoral degrees in the physical sciences awarded by U.S. academic institutions.9      

This number of post secondary degrees in the physical sciences has remained fairly constant over the last 25 years.  

There is a need for a source of physical science information and resources not only to serve this user base but also to prepare for an educated research community to sustain U.S. competitiveness.   

Does the responsibility for the future development of scientists and engineers rest solely in the hands of educators?  Or, does the physical science community share in the responsibility for education?   

Perhaps our visionary Information Infrastructure for the Physical Sciences may be one means by which the physical science community meets that responsibility?  

VI.       Business and Industry



U.S. Position In The Global Economy  

U.S. Patents Issued 1968-1998 

  1963 1998 % Change
To US Citizens 37,174 80,295 220%
To Foreign Citizens 8,505 67,295 790%
Total Issued 45,679 147,521 320%


Real Gross Domestic Product:  1970 - 1997

1970 1997 % Change
United States 3.8B 8.1B 210%
Western Europe 4.3B 8.2B 190%
East Asia/Pacific 3.5B 11.4B 456%

Percent of Patents to Foreign Citizens  
1963 -- 18.6%  
1998 -- 45.6%

U.S. Patent Statistics, Calendar Year 1963-1998                        Handbook of International Economic Patent and Trademark Office                                                       Statistics, Central Intelligence Agency  

Business and industry make available and convert research results into the tools and products we often take for granted:  lasers, radiation treatments, even plastics.   

Plastic, as ubiquitous as it is, provides an example of the rate of transfer from research results to application.  The origin of plastic was based on laboratory research by Alexander Parks, who unveiled it at the 1862 Great International Exhibition in London.  One hundred years later plastic is integral to our way of life.10  

It is essential that the linkage from research results and rate of transfer to the business and industry communities keep pace with the global communication processes that are evolving through the use of the Internet.   

It is clear from the slide that the U.S. is losing ground in the patents issues in comparison to patents issues to foreign citizens.  We note that the positive change in number of patents issued to U.S. citizens has risen 220% in the period of 1963 - 1998 while patents issued to foreign citizens during the same period has risen 790%.11  

Further the percent change in Real Gross Domestic Product for the period of 1970 – 1997 shows a similar pattern.  U.S. percent change during this period has shown a positive 210% while the East Asia/Pacific has shown a positive 456% change in Real Gross Domestic Product.12  

Both indicators would suggest that while we are continuing to show positive increases in both areas our rate of improvement is not keeping pace with world competitors.  

Though scientists and engineers have well-established individual patterns for information discovery, often these patterns are focused in areas of specialization and not attuned to interdisciplinary opportunities for discovery.  

More often than not, scientists and engineers are overwhelmed with a mass of information within their own specialty let alone stay abreast of a work done in other arenas that could contribute to the efforts of the scientist or engineer.  This often results in missed opportunities or wasted resources.  

During the 1996-2006 time-period, scientist and engineer employment is expected to increase at more than three times the rate for all other occupations.13   

Though the need for more scientists and engineers to fill these positions is intuitively clear we may not have the talent to fill those positions.  This further emphasizes the need for more efficient tools and processes to collect organize and synthesize physical science information.

Might the information infrastructure provide that point of convergence to simplify and improve on interdisciplinary opportunities for discovery?  Might it also have a role in expediting the rate of transfer of information from bench to application?


VII.     Publishing Industry: Partners in Science


Publishing Industry:  Partners in Science 

PubSCIENCE Participation  

AAAS National Research Council of Canada Research Press  
American Mathematical Society 


American Meteorlogical Society   Portland Press  
American Physical Society   Proceedings of the National Academy Press  
Blackwell Science Royal Society of Chemistry
Cambridge University Press   S. Karger AG  
EDP Sciences  

Society for the advancement of material and process engineering  

Geologic Society   Springer-Verlag  

Institute of Physics Publishing

Taylor & Francis Publishers, Ltd.  

Massachusetts Medical Society (new England    Journal of Medicine)

University of Chicago Press  
MIT Press   Ziff-Davis, Inc., ZDNet  

National Academy Press

American Society for Microbiology  

DOE-Wide Full Text And Database Agreements  
American Association for Advancement of Science
American Physical Society  

One sector of business I want to call out specifically is the publishing industry, which is one of the cornerstones in the foundation of an information infrastructure for the physical sciences.   

This industry is faced with vast opportunities as well as numerous challenges.  Many in the publishing industry face these challenges daily and are to be commended for the advances they have made in confronting many issues surrounding this age head-on.  

This is evidenced from the slide which reflects the significant publisher participation in the creation of PubSCIENCE which allows access to citations of over 1000 scientific journal titles provided by the publishers.  DOE/OSTI has also worked with the publishers to craft agreements to allow DOE researchers access to the full-text of over 500 full-text journals and access to key on-line databases at significant savings to the taxpayer.  

Would we have imagined ten years ago that by the end of the year the full-text of all American Physical Society journals back to 1893 would be electronically available?    

Increasingly publishers are embracing change and are willing to work together and with other entities to further utilize technological advancements.   

We are continually considering the types of partnering that are possible.


VIII.        The Public




US Internet Usage

1999 2000 Projected 2005 Projected
Worldwide Web users 300M   450M   1000B Angus Reid Group  
US home PC ownership 107M      Angus Reid Group  
US Internet Users   108M   141M   Angus Reid Group
US Share of Worldwide  106M 143M  Strategis Group  
Internet Usage   39%     Angus Reid Group  
US Adult Internet Users 53%   Strategis Group  
US Home Internet Usage  47%  Strategis Group  
Average Web usage  19 sessions per week   NetRatings  

Number of Unique sites visited per week 

11      NetRatings  

 Time spent per week  using the Internet 

9:26 NetRatings  

Angus Reid Group  
Strategis Group  

Although the scientific and technical community forms a niche market for the physical sciences, the final user contingent that must be considered is the public, certainly no less important than the other segments described above.  

As I mentioned earlier it has been reported that 47% of all American households are connected to the Internet.  Not only does this provide a fertile ground for the gospel of science, but it is creating a highly computer-literate society.14 

It is clear that people are attempting to use the Web as they might use reference materials in a library.  Today’s American public wants to be informed.  They are learning what is available to them and how to go about finding it.   

It is also clear that the current use of the Internet and projections for the future use show that this phenomenon represents a major shift in information gathering worldwide.  The growth rate in connectivity may not continue at the 124% growth rate experienced in 1996-1997.  It was noted that the growth rate in 1997-1998 there was a 68% due to saturation. The growth rate is projected to continue to grow at the rate of 15-25% annually.15    

As taxpayers they have an investment in science and technology.   

An organized and integrated presentation of the physical science information much like that found at the National Library of Medicine would contribute to their understanding that they are receiving a tangible return on their investment -- a return that would be visible, useful and lasting.  

In order for the seed corn of education to take root children must become interested in science and technology at an early age and we must strive to hold their interest by making it come alive and by providing access to age-specific information.  It is one thing to be computer literate as a “gamer” it is quite another to use the tool to expand the intellectual capacity of a child directed toward productive ends.  

In our deliberations should we not consider public needs and use much like the efforts undertaken by the National Library of Medicine?    

IX.              OSTI’s Experience 

In the 53 years that OSTI has operated in support of R&D researchers we have recognized the need for more integrated information approaches for the physical sciences.  

At the heart of the current Web concept is distributed searching, where others hold the content.  The integration/access tools are maintained independent of the location of the information.  Though this may seem like a clean concept it requires coordination with the information holders

We have developed two such tools at OSTI. The PrePRINT Network and Federal R&D Project Summaries place no burden on the information holders other than to deal with traffic at their site.  Both tools, the PrePRINT Network with its 1000 sites and 330,000 preprints and the Federal R&D Summaries with access to 220,000 R&D summaries from NSF, NIH, and DOE, support interdisciplinary views of R&D.  

However for all we have done in the creation of our many Web tools there are other tools that support current and anticipated needs that are being used and developed worldwide.  Often such tools are developed within a specific discipline or community for their use.  The transfer of that “technology” is by word of mouth and application is spotty. 

Integration and use of these tools by an “integrator” may provide not only awareness but also wider and timelier use.  

No longer is information the only tool in a scientist’s toolbox but the use of the most current information technology is now in the same toolbox. 

Unloading the burden of discovery of such tools by the scientist that are in use by others and making such tools more broadly available is a key component of the Information Infrastructure for the Physical Scientists.   

X.        The Art of the Possible

The challenge upon us is to address the needs and take the next steps that will bring a more cohesive structure to information sharing and access to physical science information.   

We at OSTI feel that the future needs include:  

A Common Infrastructure that seeks in an integrated approach to provide comprehensive access and facilitate the reuse of worldwide physical sciences resources, regardless of where they reside, what platform(s) they reside on, or what format or data structure they employ without extensive searching of independent Web sites and databases.  

A Point of Convergence for ensuring the awareness, availability, use, and development of information technologies and tools to facilitate information assimilation, data analyses, peer communication and collaboration, sharing of preliminary research results, remote experimentation, validation of experimental results, etc.  

A Free-to-Users Source of information to serve all users, from students to scientists to concerned citizens, in a highly efficient electronic environment, with tools to assist users in their quest for information and ultimately knowledge.    

XI.       Summary

There is a wealth of information in the physical sciences representing a very valuable commodity to the nation.  

The information infrastructure in whatever form it takes, must be based on the strategic use of this vast resource to serve the needs of scientists and engineers, academia, U.S. industry, and the American public as they make the decisions and conduct the science that will lead us through the 21st century.  

At this point in time, the building blocks are ready, the information technologies and infrastructures are available to us, the levels of interest in both science and technology and the stake in information literacy has never been higher.

It is time to capitalize on what has been done and discuss the vision of what CAN be done.  

The challenge is upon us all.



 1Wiesner-Hanks, Merry.  “The World of the Renaissance Print Shop.”  1996.  University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee.  25 Mar 1999.  24 May 2000.     


3“Le Journal des Savants.”  1665.  Bibliothèque national de France.  24 May 2000.     

4Bush, Vannevar.  “As We May Think.”   Atlantic Monthly, July 1945.  

5Strategis Group.  1999.  May 23, 2000.  

6“Library.”  1999—2000.  24 May 2000.   ,5716,109616+3,00.html  

7“Science and Engineering Indicators – 1998.”  National Science Foundation.  15 Dec 1999.  5 May 2000.  

8“NCES Pursuing Excellence:  12th-Grade Study, Figures 1 and 5.”  National Center for Education Statistics.  1999.  23 May 2000. 

9“Digest of Education Statistics, 1999. Chapter 3A, Table 296.”  U.S. Department of Education.  Jun 1999.  22 May 2000.

10“History of Plastics.”  American Plastics Council.  22 May 2000.             

11“U.S. Patent Statistics, Calendar Year 1963—1998.”  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Office for Patent and Trademark Information, Technology Assessment and Forecast Program.  14 July 1999.  22 May 2000.   

12“Handbook for International Economic Statistics:  Table 1, Real Gross Domestic Product.”  Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence.  Feb 1999.  22 May 2000.                                               



15Nielsen/NetRatings.  22 May 2000.  23 May 2000.  


Angus Reid Group.  23 May 2000  

“Digest of Education Statistics, 1999.  Chapter 3A, Table 296.”  U.S. Department of Education.  22 May 2000.  

“Handbook for International Economic Statistics:  Table 1, Real Gross Domestic Product.”  Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence.  22 May 2000.  

“NCES Pursuing Excellence:  12th-Grade Study, Figures 1 and 5.”  National Center for Education Statistics.  23 May 2000.  

Nielsen/NetRatings.  23 May 2000.   

 “Science and Engineering Indicators – 1998.”  National Science Foundation.  5 May 2000.                           

Strategis Group, 23 May 2000.  

“U.S. Patent Statistics, Calendar Year 1963—1998.”  U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Office for Patent and Trademark Information, Technology Assessment and Forecast Program.  22 May 2000.