Statement From United States Fire Administrator David Paulison Regarding The Proposed FY06 USFA Budget

Release Date: February 11, 2005

Contact: Thomas Olshanski
(301) 447-1853

As the USFA Administrator, I am aware of the concerns expressed by organizations representing the fire service regarding the President's proposed FY06 funding for the United States Fire Administration. I want to reassure first responders across the country that the President is committed to ensuring that America's firefighters have the equipment, training and planning resources to support their communities.

Not only has President Bush consistently requested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program, he is the first president to call specifically for funding of the Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program in his budgets. When the 2005 grant process finishes, almost $2.6 billion to more than 22,258 local fire departments will have been distributed through this program. With the additional $500 million requested to fund grants in 2006, this amount will grow to $3.1 billion.

The President's budget includes a $1.3 million increase for the U.S. Fire Administration as well as additional funds for the National Fire Academy and the Emergency Management Institute to continue to develop and provide critical training for first responders on the new National Incident Management System and National Response Plan. Through the President's support, training opportunities have been provided to more than 700,000 first responders since September 11, 500,000 of which have come through the USFA. The USFA's virtual campus has been expanded and is currently averaging more than 2,000 students a day accessing online training.

Since its creation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has allocated or awarded $13 billion in grants to first responders and state and local governments representing an over 900% increase from pre-September 11 levels. This tremendous amount of funding is simply unprecedented and is a direct reflection of the administration's support to first responders.