STIP Managers Teleconference

Wednesday, June 11, 2008



Teleconference Participants: Nancy Doran (PNNL), Sharon West (SLAC), Isom Harrison (LLNL), Miriam Blake (LANL), Heath O’Connell (FNAL), Mona Higgins (NSTec), Kim Johnson (ANL), Mary Hale (ANL), Scott Gibson (ORISE), Gayla Bratton (LMSI), Pam Edwards (FHI), Marsha Fish (WCH), Mary Petersen (BNL), Bill Prymak (GFO), Cathy Wright (NETL), Debbie Beckett (SRS), Annanaomi Sams (PNNL), Debbie Caver (SRO), Dave Hamrin (ORNL), Mary Donahue (NREL), Nicole Carson (S-N), Alison Easter (AMES), Charlie Love (INLICP), Dale Claflin (INL), Luis Perez (KCP), Janine Ford (NNSASC), Kim Kindrew (JLAB), Donna Lawson (Y-12), Theresa Connaughton (LANL), Jannean Elliott (OSTI), Patty Simmons (OSTI), Daphne Evans (OSTI), Judy Gilmore (OSTI), and Kathy Waldrop (OSTI)


2008 STIP Working Meeting (Kathy Waldrop) – OSTI thanked everyone who participated in the 2008 STIP Working Meeting and especially to those who took the time to give presentations.  Several individuals had opportunities to work with representatives from other sites to improve STI management processes at their sites.  OSTI also thanked the 2008 STIP Working Meeting host Miriam Blake as well as Theresa Connaughton and Helen Boorman all from LANL who helped with the planning and implementation of the various aspects of the week including arranging and leading the tours, providing the meeting equipment, and locating the perfect restaurant for a group social.


The presentations from the two day working meeting are linked on the STIPWorks section of the STIP Home Page. 


DOE Data Explorer (Jannean Elliott) – The DOE Data Explorer presentation presented at the 2008 STIP Working Meeting is available on both the public and the password-protected areas of the STIP Home Page.  The launch schedule slipped a little, but now the DOE Data Explorer has its own link on the OSTI Home Page, right under Science Accelerator.  The direct link is


NIH Open Access Policy Update (Judy Gilmore) - The NIH Public Access Policy was discussed at   the STIP annual meeting and several of the labs are watching how this unfolds since it has implications for DOE and some sites.  Jane at LBL addressed this in her talk at STIP and since then, there has been a lot of email activity.  Following STIP, we learned that the NIH had opened a second call for comments (reference Federal Register, Monday, March 31, 2008), due to what one source cites as pressure from the publishing community.  Based on this second call, NIH will post analysis and results for public view by September 30, 2008.    SPARC has posted their comments for review which offer a good comprehensive analysis in favor of the approach and which supports a six rather than a 12 month embargo.  There are also comments available from the Association of American Publishers fighting against it saying it is not consistent with copyright laws.  OSTI will continue to pass along items of interest and   sites are encouraged to do the same.  One comment, a House bill was introduced several years ago that would mandate a similar requirement for all federally funded research.  It is not known if this will be introduced again at some point.     


Digital Document Access (Patty Simmons) - OSTI recently worked with Fermilab to identify metadata at OSTI that did not have digitized full text. A printout was provided to Fermilab; and as a result, Fermilab provided links to over 6,000 digitized full-text documents. OSTI will gladly work with any site to identify metadata by Site Code and/or Report Number prefixes that do not have digitized full text. Any level of effort will help; you do not need to have thousands of digitized documents to make this worthwhile. Even individual records provide positive results.


2009 STIP Working Meeting (Kathy Waldrop) – On the last day of the 2008 STIP Meeting the group discussed the location for the 2009 STIP Working Meeting.  Since budgets dictate attendance it was determined that we should try having a meeting in a city that has a major airline hub.  The locations being considered are Dallas/Fort Worth and Atlanta.  The dates have already been determined and are Tuesday, April 21 (STIP Orientation, DOE Only, and Contractor Only meetings) and Wednesday, April 22 – Thursday, April 23 (STIP Working Meeting).  Several Dallas and Atlanta hotels have provided proposals and OSTI is reviewing them.  A final decision on the location should be made by the end of next week and the group will be informed at that time. STIP Managers are encouraged to go ahead and put the dates on their FY 2009 calendars.


Harvesting Update (Jannean Elliott) - ORNL is now officially in production harvesting, making a total of 10 laboratories and 4 international countries that are submitting STI to OSTI in this way.  Talks are planned with LANL and Ames to discuss harvesting and/or batch upload.  In other news, Argonne has sent 6,600 older journal citations to OSTI for "dup checking.”  Any citations that are not found to be already in OSTI’s databases will then be submitted through harvesting as new records.  Other sites may want to follow suit.  Also, enhancement has been made to the automated email that returns results to a site after each harvesting run.  Three numbers are now provided in place of one:  1) total number of records in the raw file that was harvested, 2) total number of records that successfully loaded into E-Link, 3) total number of records that failed to load.  The reason for any failures continues to be provided as normal and all other content of the email message remains as before.  Sites that are using the emails to load OSTI IDs back into their own databases will want to be aware that the size of the header may, in some cases, be larger.  Harvesting POCs at the harvesting sites were notified of the change when it occurred.


Miscellaneous -

Pamela Edwards, FHI – Recommended OSTI put up 2009 STIP Working Meeting Web page as soon as a decision has been made regarding hotel.  Also request OSTI add draft agenda to Web page by early February 2009 so that STIP Managers will have something to accompany their request for approval and book airline for cheaper fare.


Dave Hamrin, ORNL - UCNI (unclassified controlled nuclear information) rules are in a state of transition (see  The concept of "widely disseminated" now considers NTIS and GPO Depository as being "widely disseminated."


Judy Gilmore - On May 15, Sharon sent an email regarding the Proposed STI Order changes, highlighting the proposed changes to DOE O 241.1A and soliciting feedback.  She is currently addressing comments she has received to-date.  If you have comments but have not yet provided input to Sharon, you are encouraged to do so.  She will be sending out a draft in the near future.   


Judy Gilmore - Valerie Allen of OSTI will be attending the upcoming Special Libraries Association (SLA) conference and OSTI Director Walt Warnick is part of a panel presentation scheduled for Monday, June 16, at 3:30, "Building Global Bridges Across Science Databases."  In addition, OSTI will have an exhibit at the upcoming American Libraries Association (ALA) meeting.  During the week of ALA, OSTI will be rolling out a new citation downloading capability.  More details will be provided on this new capability later this month.  OSTI will work towards having an exhibit at next year's SLA meeting in DC. 


Judy Gilmore - OSTI Director Walt Warnick and Brian Hitson, along with DOE representative Jeff Salmon, are in Seoul Korea for a meeting regarding the establishment of a multilateral alliance to govern  Please see for the DOE Press Release on this important agreement.   In addition, following the recent meeting of the Energy Technology Date Exchange (ETDE) in Helsinki, the OSTI International Programs Manager Debbie Cutler reports the following highlights:  South Africa is still on course to become a member of ETDE; snippets of most records in the ETDE database will soon be indexed and will show up in Google and other search engines [most DOE sites should already be set up for access]; once this is established, ETDEWEB will also be made part of WorldWideScience.


Kathy Waldrop - The next STIP Managers teleconference is August 13.