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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What is STIP and why is it important?

STIP is a DOE-wide program coordinated by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information.  STIP's mission is to share scientific and technical information as appropriate through a robust, collaborative, and innovative program forged by all Departmental elements using state-of-the-art technologies that are cost- effective and allow maximum use of the information.  


Q.  When did STIP begin?

As a major science and technology agency, the Department of Energy conducts research and development (R&D) in a variety of fields.  Collecting, preserving, and making available for use the resulting information has always been a commitment of the Department and of its precursor organizations.  The current, collaborative framework of STIP formally began in 1997.


Q.  Who makes up the STIP community?

STIP is comprised of the Department's program managers, researchers, and scientific and technical information professionals who work collaboratively to fulfill DOE's obligation for the timely collection and broad dissemination of the Department's STI.  Although OSTI has the responsibility to coordinate STIP, the success of the program depends on the active participation and involvement of each of the STI representatives from the various DOE offices and contractor sites. Activities are coordinated through DOE Technical Information Officers, who are the designated STI points of contact at DOE offices, with STI managers and STI points of contact at major contractor-operated facilities and the national laboratories. 

One component of the Department's STIP activities is the Scientific and Technical Information Advisory Board (STIAB), which supersedes the Scientific and Technical Information Coordinating Group (STICG). The Board is cognizant of Departmental STI activities and serves as an advisory body on crosscutting STI policies, issues, and initiatives. The Board is chaired by the Director, Office of Science. Members of the Board are Federal employees and are representative of the Program Secretarial Offices, the National Nuclear Security Administration, as well as other offices that impact STI policies.

Q.  Is there a DOE Order that governs STI?

Requirements and responsibilities for STI are provided in DOE O 241.1A.  The primary objective of the Order is to ensure that STI is identified, processed, disseminated, and preserved to enable the scientific community and the public to locate and use the unclassified and unlimited STI resulting from DOE research and related endeavors.  Additionally, the requirements and responsibilities provide a mechanism to manage and protect classified STI yet make it accessible for appropriate access by the Department, its contractors, and others.



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Last page update: 8/25/08