NFA Board of Visitors Annual Report 1999

United States Fire Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency

This past year has been one of reexamination for the United States Fire Administration and National Fire Academy. The Board of Visitors has been an active participant in these efforts to redefine the path for the next century.

The fiscal year began with the public announcement of the 34 recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel. This Panel of 13 individuals appointed by Federal Emergency Management Agency Director James L. Witt was charged with examining the programs of the United States Fire Administration including the National Fire Academy. The Board had representation on this panel and was able to provide particular insight on the National Fire Academy. In addition, the Board, as a group, reviewed the report and recommendations in-depth and voted to support the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel.

In March 1999, Director Witt appointed Chief Richard Marinucci as a Special Advisor on fire issues. The Board met with Chief Marinucci within the first week after his appointment. One of Chief Marinucci's major tasks was to develop an implementation plan to address the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel. The Board discussed the issues facing the Academy with Chief Marinucci and how these would be addressed in the implementation plan. Once the draft implementation plan was produced, the Board reviewed it and made additional comments and recommendations. Further, two representatives of the Board met with Chief Marinucci midway through his 6-month tenure to review his progress and to revisit the concerns of the Board concerning the future direction of the National Fire Academy.

During this fiscal year, Director Witt took several steps to begin implementation of the Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations. These included involving the fire service as a major partner in Project Impact, exploring partnerships with other federal agencies, requesting additional funds for the United States Fire Administration and the National Fire Academy, and appointing a panel to revisit the report America Burning.

Additionally, Chief Marinucci was named Acting Chief Operating Officer of the United States Fire Administration until a candidate was identified and hired. An Action Development Working Group was created to draft a plan to serve as a guide or map for the United States Fire Administration and National Fire Academy to ensure the changes begun by the Blue Ribbon Panel would be continued and institutionalized.

The Action Plan was unveiled at the first annual Stakeholders Meeting, a gathering of fire service leaders recommended by the Blue Ribbon Panel. This plan was developed to provide direction, to create an organization that is better able to react quickly, to guide the fire service in recognizing and addressing new issues as they arise, and to demonstrate creative and innovative problem solving.

The Board felt it was important to make reference to these efforts made through the year to reexamine the United States Fire Administration and the National Fire Academy and to take the first steps toward the future.

Director Witt has made a commitment to make and institutionalize changes to reestablish the United States Fire Administration and the National Fire Academy as the leader in fire prevention, training, education, and research initiatives. He has taken countless actions throughout the year to lay a solid foundation.

The Board is encouraged by these efforts that have been taken to recreate an agency that is the fire focus for the Nation. We would particularly like to note the steps taken to address the management and leadership issues and the development of an action plan to provide a base on which to build an effective organization.

The Board looks forward to moving ahead over the next year with important initiatives at the National Fire Academy including expanding partnering efforts with the States, training academies, other federal agencies, and institutions of higher education, coordinating training/education activities with fire research activities, increasing emphasis on fire prevention activities, and providing expanded training opportunities for current and future leaders of the fire service.

The Board particularly wants to acknowledge the support and commitment of Director James L. Witt.

It is with optimism and a renewed sense of purpose and direction that the Board of Visitors submits this report.

Fiscal Year 1999 Meeting Schedule:
October 4-6, 1998
March 11-13, 1999
August 3-4, 1999
September 29-30, 1999

Cynthia A. Wilk, Chair
Assistant Director
Division of Codes & Standards
Department of Community Affairs
Trenton, New Jersey

Robert S. Fleming, Vice-Chair
Professor, Rowan University
West Chester, Pennsylvania

Karl J. Berardi, Captain
Manchester Fire Department
Bedford, New Hampshire

Warren McDaniels, Fire Chief
New Orleans Fire Department
New Orleans, Louisiana

Donald R. Oliver, Fire Chief
Wilson Fire Rescue Services
Wilson, North Carolina

Robert J. Sledgeski
Baltimore Fire Fighters Local 734
Baltimore, Maryland

Neil Svetanics, Fire Chief
St. Louis Fire Department
St. Louis, Missouri

Gary Tokle (Alternate)
National Fire Protection Association
Quincy, Massachusetts

Steve Ennis (Alternate)
National Volunteer Fire Council
Fredericksburg, Virginia