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Callisto's Har Crater
Callisto's Har Crater
Date: 11.04.1997
This image shows a heavily cratered region near Callisto's equator. It was taken by the Galileo spacecraft's Solid-State Imaging System on its ninth orbit around Jupiter. North is to the top of the image. The 105-kilometer double ring crater in the center of the image is named Har. Har displays an unusual rounded mound on its floor. The origin of the mound is unclear but probably involves uplift of ice-rich materials from below, either as a "rebound" immediately following the impact that formed the crater or as a later process. Har is older than the prominent 41-kilometer crater superposed on its western rim. The large crater partially visible in the northeast corner of the image is called Tindr. Chains of secondary craters (craters formed from the impact of materials thrown out of the main crater during an impact) originating from Tindr crosscut the eastern rim of Har.

The image, centered at 3.30S latitude and 357.90W longitude, covers an area of 245 kilometers by 230 kilometers. The Sun illuminates the scene from the west (left). The smallest distinguishable features in the image are about 294 meters across. This image was obtained on June 25, 1997, when Galileo was 14,080 kilometers from Callisto.

Image Credit: Arizona State University
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