Find out about fatalities reported on by the news media and compiled by the Quick Response Program.
To promote fire safety and prevention messages in the news, the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) created Quick Response, a program that monitors the news wires daily for reports of fatal residential fires (non-arson related) nationwide. After learning of a fatal residential fire, USFA promptly sends fact sheets on fire issues to news desks in the affected area. The program is based on the concept of the "teachable moment," the period immediately after a fire when there is heightened concern and awareness about the dangers of fire. People tend to be more receptive to messages of fire prevention and safety at that time. The intended result is to increase messages about fire prevention and safety in news stories and, in turn, increase public awareness.
Timing is critical to the success of Quick Response. In order to more easily provide information to the media covering the fire, USFA developed a series of facts sheets called Fight Fire with Facts. Immediately after a fatal residential fire, USFA faxes and e-mails the appropriate information to the print and broadcast media in the area and follows up with calls to the local reporters and editors. USFA sends the same fact sheet to area fire departments with a message that this information has been provided to the local media and encourages members of the Fire Service to include the fire safety facts in their comments with the media and in their own community outreach programs.
The resources below are provided to help Fire Service personnel get fire safety information into their local community's news media.
Fire Service Media Corps | A source of information and support for Fire Service personnel who share a commitment to getting fire safety in the news. |
Materials | E-bulletins, fact sheets and radio public service announcement (PSA) scripts. |
Campaigns | Links to various fire safety campaigns currently sponsored by the USFA. |
After a Serious Fire: Maximizing Media Attention to Promote Safety | Strategic advice on reaching out to the media as a partner in fire education. |
Questions? Call (202) 842-3600 and ask for a Quick Response team member, or e-mail your question to