November 26, 2002

Abraham Presents Secretary's Gold Award to Edward Teller

LIVERMORE, CALIF. – Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham today presented Dr. Edward Teller, Director Emeritus of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, with the Secretary's Gold Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to science and the security of the nation. The award is the Energy Department's highest honorary award and includes a plaque with citation, a medallion and a rosette. Secretary Abraham presented Dr. Teller with the award during his visit to the laboratory.

"Dr. Teller is one of the giant figures of the 20th century, whose contributions to winning both World War II and the Cold War are immeasurable," Abraham told lab employees. "But I believe that Edward Teller should also be regarded as one of the most important figures of the 21st century. Dr. Teller did not just help make the world safe from tyranny and aggression, he helped usher in the era of supercomputing that drives so much of our current science. His unwavering support for scientific education has inspired countless young men and women to pursue lives in the sciences."

Dr. Teller's citation reads: In recognition of your outstanding contributions to science and the security of our Nation. Your visionary role in the development of thermonuclear explosives, the establishment of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the secure second strike deterrence and missile defense, as well as advising many U.S. Presidents, is especially appreciated. Your broad and far-reaching vision, brilliant technical insights, and strong leadership have inspired generations of scientists, students, policy makers, and leaders.

Dr. Teller was a physicist at Los Alamos Laboratory during World War II and later became its Assistant Director. His efforts led to his co-founding of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1952. He served as director of the Livermore Lab (1958-1960). He has taught physics at the University of California and founded and chaired the U.C. Davis Department of Applied Science, located adjacent to the Livermore Lab. In 1975, he was named Director Emeritus of the Livermore Lab, and was also appointed Senior Research Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution, positions that he still holds.

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