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Searched:  Inventor(s) Contains (Manna, Liberato)
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  Patent Title Inventor(s) Issue Date Patent Number Full Text
Process for forming shaped group III-V semiconductor nanocrystals, and product formed using process Alivisatos, A. Paul , Peng, Xiaogang , Manna, Liberato 01/01/2001 US 6306736
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Process for forming shaped group II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals, and product formed using process Alivisatos, A. Paul , Peng, Xiaogang , Manna, Liberato 01/01/2001 US 6225198
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Shaped Nonocrystal Particles And Methods For Making The Same Alivisatos, A. Paul , Scher, Erik C. , Manna, Liberato 02/15/2005 US 6,855,202
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Shaped nanocrystal particles and methods for working the same Alivisatos, A. Paul , Sher, Eric C. , Manna, Liberato 12/25/2007 7,311,774
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Nanocrystals with linear and branched topology Alivisatos, A. Paul , Milliron, Delia , Manna, Liberato , Hughes, Steven M. 12/04/2007 7,303,628
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