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Networked Worlds A Part of Our Lives A Part of Our Dreams Saved by the Wire
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Classroom Activities
Developing Historical Perspectives on Communications Technology
  1. Ask students to think about and list various technologies and methods they use to communicate with others. Record their responses in a column under a heading of "Communicating in the 21st century."

  2. Optional: Show this image (printable) and tell them that the lithograph was created to represent "The Progress of the Century." Ask students if they can identify a communication technology invented in mid-nineteenth century depicted in the lithograph.

  3. Ask students to give examples of communications technologies and methods used until the late 19th century. Record their responses in a column titled "Communicating in the 19th century."

  4. Review and compare the items in the two columns. Conduct a class discussion using the questions below: (Optional: Students can work in small groups and, afterwards, share their discussion points with the class.)
    • What do you notice about the lists? (e.g., The 21st century column may have many more items than the 19th century column) Why do you think this is?
    • Select the three most interesting communication tools/methods from these two columns and identify the similarities and differences among them.
    • What common goals do the communications technologies serve for people?
    • How has communications technology evolved in society? What has changed, e.g., science, speed, technology, materials, uses, etc?

  5. Summarize the class discussion. Encourage students to look for the historical aspects of telecommunication development at the online exhibition, The Once and Future Web.

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