Conference Info

Register for the IACP Conference.

Annual Banquet. Tickets on sale!
[download form]

Register now for the Golf Outing.
[download form]

Register now for the 5k Run.
[download form]

Tickets for the IACP Foundation Dinner are now available.
[download form]

About the IACP Conference

The International Association of Chiefs of Police has long had a reputation for providing top-notch education on the most pressing law enforcement topics.That is why more than 15,000 law enforcement professionals will be attending the 115th Annual IACP Conference and Exposition in San Diego, California, USA from November 8-12, 2008. With renowned keynote speakers, forums and technical workshops, and the largest exhibit hall of products and services for the law enforcement community, this must attend event should be on your calendar. [more]

CTA Tandberg Macom NEC New World Systems Public Safety Equiptment PlastiCard Zebra Card Printer Solutions Bank of America LogIn Pelco National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Federal Signal Corporation Union Springs Pharmaceutical Cisco Verizon Wireless 3si  Lexis Nexis Pivot Presynct Densus NCIC Ericsson Alcatel-Lucent AT&T Kart Digital Northwestern Univ Cntr for Public Safety TASER International, Inc. WebLOQ Tag MyClyns Axsys Technologies The Intriago Group Nuance Sprint Anheuser Busch Carbon Motors Corp. Twaron Thomson Reuters Motorola Intergraph GEICO Traffipax

Exhibitor Info

Current IACP exhibitors booth update

Booth sales sold out. Add your company to the wait list.


Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" will speak at a plenary session on Monday, Novemeber 10th, from 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.


San Diego Conference Info